‘Dirty S’ Shooters Arrested In British Columbia & St-Jerome, QC

When a crime is committed, generally, there is a follow-up that will consist of an arrest, a court date and eventually lead to jail time. This was the case for two people apprehended almost 10,000 kilometers away from each other in mid-June (18/06/2024). Why? Because these two suspects are the ones who pulled the trigger on rapper Christopher Shawn ‘Dirty S’ Jean Vilsaint on the evening of the 14th of May, 2024.

Christopher Shawn ‘Dirty S’ Jean Vilsaint

This case has gotten loads more interesting with the fact that the 2 suspects are allegedly linked to the ’24 Gang’ stemming from the Saint-Francois borough of Laval, an island neighboring Montreal. The 24 Gang was also in the media recently, when a member of the gang, Frederick Michel, a 29-year-old who was murdered in a hail of bullets on Boulevard Cure-Labelle in Laval. This incident had taken place in early April.

Police at the Frederick Michel crime scene.

We do not know whether these two murders are related, or if the Dirty S shooting was revenge for the murder of Frederick Michel. More information has surfaced in relation to the night Dirty S was murdered; once being shot at, Dirty S took refuge behind of a vehicle. It’s only once he peaked out of cover, that he was shot right in the head. Witnesses told police that they had heard around a total of 5 shots. In the style of when Tupac had a near brush with death, Dirty S was coming out of a music studio when this incident had happened.

Dirty S music video featuring Lil Berete, ‘Volume’

The first suspect arrested was named William Beauvais-Bazile, a 25-year-old which was apprehended in St-Jerome, nearly half an hour to 45 minutes away from the island of Montreal. Beauvais-Bazile, as of mentioned, was linked to Laval’s 24 Gang. A second arrest had been made, this time, thousands of kilometers away from Quebec, in the town of Prince George located in the province of British Columbia. This suspects name was Romuald Surin, a 31-year-old man that went by the nickname ‘Buck’. Also claiming allegiance to the 24 Gang, being a native of the Saint-Francois borough of Laval.

Romuald ‘Buck’ Surin

An important fact to note is that ‘Buck’, Romuald Surin was accused in 2016, more specifically on September 30th. The accusation? pimping. Along with the pimping charge and armed assault. Surin is definitely an individual that lives by the code of the streets, as he is also curating a fraud charge on top of all that. 24 Gang is in alliance with Quebec City’s Blood Family Mafia and also Profit Kollectaz (Profit Boyz) which rep the color red, and the Profit Boyz, green.

A third and final suspect comes into play, authorities had set out a warrant for 27-year-old Dylan Denis. Denis had been in the sights of the law before, when in June of 2017, he was accused of attempted murder after a verbal altercation with a 15-year-old girl. The incident resulted in Denis ‘allegedly’ pulling the trigger on the girl, hitting her in the stomach area and him being charged with attempted murder. The incident took place at Cartier Metro in Laval.

Dylan Denis with his famous ‘Crime Pays’ tattoo.
A picture of Denis’ hand tattoo authorities leaked in past month.

This wasn’t Denis’ first rodeo with the law as he had committed numerous crimes dating back to 2014, when him and his brother had stolen numerous electronic goods from a school. In a separate incident, his brother, Kevin had been a victim of an attempted murder back in 2019 while driving. Ralph Junior Duval had shot Kevin in the shoulder and was arrested 2 months after the crime.

Laptops the brothers had stolen.
Dylan Denis

Dylan Denis’ life took a turn in May of 2020, when his brother Kevin Denis had been a victim of an overdose after a party. Since his brother’s overdose, the young 27-year-old has went ‘all-in’ on the criminal lifestyle, living it to a tee, racking up multiple charges. One notable charge, and the only charge the authorities were able to pin on him, was a firearms violation.

A young Dylan Denis.

Kevin & Dylan Denis robbing a store.
Dylan Denis

So, why is this recent information so interesting? Maybe you can recall our article released the day after Dirty S was shot. In the article, we explained how Dirty S repped the color ‘blue’ or the ‘Crips’ on the island of Montreal. Dirty S also had connections in Haiti and was good friends with fellow rapper ‘Kilo’ who raps in a mix of Creole and French. Although posting numerous stories, including a story in which he had commissioned a ‘NBH’ chain, Dirty S claimed allegiance to the ‘blue’ street gang ‘VLY BOYZ’, located in the boroughs of Villeray, Saint Michel and Parc Extension.

VLY logo on Youtube.

Was ‘Buck’ Surin in British Columbia to evade authorities after the murder? Or did he have business on the west coast of the country? Where is Dylan Denis hiding? So many questions to be answered. But the question remains, is there beef between these two street gangs?

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