Amritpal Singh ‘Umba’ Saran Updates:

PSA: We had a news reporter write an email to us (earlier in the day) in regards to 2 photos that we had uploaded on [ ].

It seems as if she was frustrated, after we called her out on twitter for stealing information on our legendary story. Going forward – we will have our own ‘staff reporters’ on scene to take the required photos our platform needs to succeed:

  • Umba Crime Scene (TDN Copyright)

  • Personal Conversations With Umba:
Umba speaking about Jasman Dhaliwal – another individual whom was spotted at Gagan’s funeral:

JD is seen on the bottom. He was a high ranking member under Saran’s operation (while Umba was alive), and will probably be moving up the hierarchy. Click HERE to find out more about the shooting that almost took him out.

Before we get into his actual character development over the last 5 years or so, we wanted to give you guys a look into our DMS with Amrit. Over the next week, we will be releasing our entire conversation on an exclusive piece.

These are just some of Umba’s closest associates that have fallen due to gang violence. Truly tragic. Another individual next to VP is also deceased.

It still surprises us that Amrit Saran was the one to have been executed on Saturday. As we reported earlier, this was an intelligent criminal whom had the mindset of someone well beyond 25 years old. At a certain point during our journalistic career, we wrote him off in terms of being assassinated in this current decade. He was never out in public, had his girlfriend by his side completing daily errands for him, and had an entire team of DBOYS under his leadership. The man never took a chance, and was actively seen as one of the bigger players pushing buttons behind the scenes.

His enemies finally got him.

It’s widely speculated that he had actually contracted specific hits, but this will all be explored at the end of the week. Another massive reason behind us believing that he was going to outlive the average, was because of the fear he instilled in his enemies; specifically the ones whom almost claimed a big bounty on his head, and ended up almost getting smoked themselves.

According to the court documents, Saran told police that he and his girlfriend were in a Volkswagen Jetta in his driveway when three or four occupants of a Ford F-150 pickup truck fired shots at them, hitting the car and the house. Saran ran to the backyard of his home, and the girlfriend, who was in the driver’s seat, told police that she drove the Jetta into the truck and even temporarily drove after the pickup, but returned shortly afterwards, court documents stated. Nobody was injured.

The judge was terrified and originally denied him any sort of bail because of his fascination with guns that resembled him as some sort of a John-Wick like character.

Eventually, Umba, who had no prior criminal record, was released from custody on $10,000 cash or a $50,000 surety and with stringent conditions that included a tight curfew, living at home with his parents, and not associating with known criminals. Somehow – he was allowed to attend the funeral of Gagan S, in what was seen as one of the most prolific funerals; that the lower-mainland gang war has seen in a while.

Umba at Gagan’s funeral (we will be releasing these funeral photos for subscribers – once again)

Given the fact that he was required to live at his family home, we believe that the lease on his penthouse suite had continued until Fall 2022. It’s unclear on what the penthouse was actually used for, considering how he had to sleep at his family home. However, many claim that it was some sort of stash-house that his girlfriend was residing at. At some point, sources stated that he had actually been evicted from the PH, but have not confirmed as to why.

If you aren’t familiar with the original character profile we completed on Amrit Saran, make sure to check it out HERE. We all know by now that this was a young kid who had a very expensive taste in life. He enjoyed all the riches and luxuries that came with the lifestyle he was living, and loved flashing it to his enemies. It actually wasn’t until the last few months or so of his life, that he started to simmer down on the designer purchases. It truly did seem like he was transitioning into a different man.

Umba and his innocent friends enjoying a Toronto summer. None of these guys are actually associated to the UN set.

There really was 2 sides to this guy. One where he was a loving and caring family man, and another where he was the leader of a successful operation that was known for being ruthless to his opposition.

Although he may not have been the greatest role model for our children, he remained close to his faith and often spoke out about the corrupt Indian government. He had also just completed his entire back, which costed him over $10,000:

Another legendary image that depicts the type of person Umba was around his family for an example (can be seen in the VP Tribute video – when he’s carrying his 2 young relatives and wearing a VP t-shirt).

He had many loyal friends by his side, some involved in the underworld themselves, whereas others were just innocent childhood buddies.

The other side of Umba is the one that most of us are familiar with. A demonic individual whom never left his house without his gun, and had actually been arrested after a hostess spotted his firearm in his ‘manpurse’ when he was paying the bill at a Vancouver restaurant:

Him being constantly watched by the feds could’ve also been a reason as to why his enemies left him alone for the last few years. Everyone was well aware on the fact that he had a penthouse, and was operating dial-a-dope lines across Vancouver, Abbotsford, and a few more cities. Majority of his workers and managers are associated to the UN set in either Alberta or BC. His month-to-month saw him earning well over $30-50,000 in profit. He had TP drivers set-up across the country, and had stash houses and ‘worker cars’ positioned across. The guy was truly doing it big for his age, and it was a major factor into why he was so respected by his peers, specifically the OG’s in Skidz & Slice. They knew he had potential to be a big player, and it’s why he was ultimately hand-picked to run a drug line when he was 14; whereas his right-hand man in VP was designated as a contract-killer.

Umba’s death truly is tragic, but it was always coming. It was important for us to get this released – PRIOR to what is to come.

Amrit had unfair circumstances shaped around him for pretty much his entire life. He was apart of a group of young teenagers that were ultimately forced to go to war against guys that were twice their age. This is something we constantly stress concerning the younger generation of UN gangsters. These kids were supposed to be playing basketball at local parks and going to school to study and read. Instead, they ended up selling drugs and killing ‘enemies’ that they truly did not know.

The Grewal brothers (BK) – middle brother was completely unrelated and innocent. Umba has been linked to his homicide.

Social media played a big role in shaping these kids as well. During the peak of the Abbotsford gang war, the Brothers Keepers and UN gangs were often seen mocking each other online:

When Meninder Dhaliwal was shot and kiled in Whistler – Umba wasted no time in celebrating the hit. It showed just how dominant his hatred was for guys that were twice his age. The war truly reached limits where Umba had been personally affected by guys like the Dhaliwal brothers, whom had ultimately taken out nearly all his friends and associates.

Of course his enemies drove right to Dairy Queen when they learned of his death:

P.S – If you want to see Umba’s enemies celebrate via social media: Follow Trap.

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