Daily Recap📰

We’ll be covering a few stories that have caught our attention in today’s recap. TWO BODIES FOUND IN CAR NEAR KAMLOOPS – ZERO MEDIA COVERAGE?: As of right now, the only known public coverage this story has gotten is from an Indian news agency. We have provided their version of the story below ⬇️. About […]

Richmond Shooting Victim Identified 🚨

We will be releasing our full write-up in regards to the Richmond shooting, later tonight. The victim who died from the shooting injuries has been revealed: The other victim who didn’t lose his life has not been revealed as of yet. More to come regarding this Toronto drug-dealer who re-located to the west coast and […]

Daily Recap 📰:

The last 24 hours has had major stories ranging from charges being laid in murder cases, to hate-motivated crimes and even Hindu extremists going absolutely crazy. We’ll get right into it. Toronto BlueJays Stadium Gets Wild ????: We got some footage for you guys as well, that has already been shared on our twitter feed. […]

Weekly Recap: 📰📰📰📰

We’ll be going over some breaking headlines that Canadians across the nation have come across in the last few days. They range from violent homicides to robberies and even bullying at an extent, in regards to homeless people. Obviously we won’t be including the stories that we already covered, such as the Samra house that […]