Myles Sanderson Dead🤔:

What a day for the nation, as the 4 day manhunt in one of the country’s nastiest serial killing sprees to date; has finally concluded. The brothers in Damien and Myles have been blasted on every outlet across the globe, and therefore we assume that you guys have a good idea on what they look […]
Female/Male Arrested At 150-69 Ave 🏡:
Some ruckus seems to have occurred outside a home, on 150-69 ave. Originally we had thought it was a shooting or drug raid because of all of the police cars and personnel, however we later learned from spectators at the scene that this was in regards to a stolen vehicle. We’ll go through some of […]
Weekly Recap 📰:

The last week has seen everything ranging from conspiracies on ferry boats, to homicides and much more. We’ll be making this a consistent post, once a week – that ultimately covers stories that we may’ve covered briefly over Instagram or Twitter. We’ll be going over news that occurred throughout Canada and maybe even the US, […]

Today’s video of the day will look into the triple shooting that had taken place at the Mexican hotel known as Xcarcet, which took the lives of 2 well known Canadian criminals. Early January, what’s now known to be a cartel hitman, approached the resort with a guest wrist-band (verifies that you are a paid […]
BK Member Handed A 5 Year Sentence: 🔒

Most of you were familiar with the big bust that happened over a year ago, which saw several Brothers Keepers go down; most notably one of the highest ranking members in Amandeep Kang. Click here for original details, but basically investigators had this one in the wraps for quite some time. “A three-year investigation netted […]
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Surrey Police Officer: 🔒

A member of Surrey’s new municipal police force was arrested by the RCMP on Tuesday, after a criminal investigation had gone underway. Click here for the global news piece. “The officer, who has been released on conditions, was hired by the Surrey Police Service in May with a little more than a year of previous […]
Social Media Snitchin’ – Week 1️⃣:

We initially started these quick little write-ups of self-incriminating incidents on our old blog, however we all know how that ended. It’s honestly just a reminder on why these gangsters don’t last too long on the streets and a big part of that over the last decade; has been social media. We’ve been covering high […]