September Recap📰:

The following structure that we have laid out will be consistent with every monthly recap, going forward. If you haven’t already – make sure you checked out the Set Rankings for the month of September. It’s back to story time following this release ???????????? *all links attached are to our personal published pieces explaining the […]
September Set Rankings 📊:

This is technically a ranking that begins when our last ended; Lower-Mainland August Set Rankings – which was published 1 month ago, on August the 16th. The following footage is based on the rankings; featuring the HA set at the start of the video and the Ruffians at the very end: HELLS ANGELS ???? #1 […]
Week 2: TOP 3 SET-UP THOTS 🔞🚨

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Ruffians Deleted Music Video 🔞:

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Lower-Mainland August Set Rankings 📊:

Hells Angels ???? #1 A lot of people tend to disagree when we include the bikers in our rankings because they believe they should be looked at as a club; rather than a gang. However, we beg to differ as the group has dominated the west-coast scene for decades now, and continues to align themselves […]
Social Media Snitchin’ – Week 1️⃣:

We initially started these quick little write-ups of self-incriminating incidents on our old blog, however we all know how that ended. It’s honestly just a reminder on why these gangsters don’t last too long on the streets and a big part of that over the last decade; has been social media. We’ve been covering high […]