Rolling Loud 🩸🩸🩸:

It’s quite surprising that the festival has now completed and has had no reports of fatal injuries resulted by gunshots. Sike – 3 people were just reported to have been riddled with bullets inside a nightclub on Queen st. West, with 2 men being in critical, and the female in minor condition. We almost made […]


We have a massive week in the works, just you wait! In today’s ????OTD, we look at 2 situations; one that had taken place on the streets of Canada, whilst the other was in India. Both had just occurred in the past 24 hours, with the Mississauga road-rage incident taking the cake in being more […]

Toni Dalipi Declared A Murder Suspect🚨:

News broke out after court records were made public today – in regards to the deceased gangster in Toni Dalipi who was gunned down in Burnaby, late last year. It’s been officially reported that Toni was the primary murder suspect in Baileys homicide; as we have declared and stated in the early months of the […]


Today’s video of the day is as recent as it gets, and concerns an Ottawa woman who was being viciously attacked and chased in what looked like an angry mob out of ‘The Walking Dead’. Our last video of the day was in regards to the Memphis woman who was kidnapped whilst jogging, and her […]