Racist Sikh Man In πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ:

Before we get into the vicious footage that stars Tejinder Singh, a 37 year old California man who was charged with a hate-crime after verbally harassing a Hindu man – in Taco Bell. We want to look at some of the responses that the twitter world was sharing in regards to the situation. It’s pretty […]

Mani Amar Killed After Altercation:

There has been many rumours going around as to who the murderer was, in regards to Mani Amar’s tragic death. Instagram accounts have even surfaced that have intended on seeking out justice, as the homicide suspect was actually recently released on all charges. Take a look. Who could the killer be? We have reason to […]


Today’s video of the day is a quick and simple one, that highlights what the influences of bullying can do. In the video we see a young Indian student who’s being recorded and told to do some foolish things, on his lunch break. In his world – he probably really does believe he’s being cool […]

Female/Male Arrested At 150-69 Ave 🏑:

Some ruckus seems to have occurred outside a home, on 150-69 ave. Originally we had thought it was a shooting or drug raid because of all of the police cars and personnel, however we later learned from spectators at the scene that this was in regards to a stolen vehicle. We’ll go through some of […]


Today’s ????OTD is a very recent one that was published over the social media platform known as Tiktok. It features a young Sikh man who seems to be ashamed and embarrassed to be Sikh, or simply has no balls to man up to his family and let them know that he wants a different life. […]

Weekly Recap πŸ“°:

The last week has seen everything ranging from conspiracies on ferry boats, to homicides and much more. We’ll be making this a consistent post, once a week – that ultimately covers stories that we may’ve covered briefly over Instagram or Twitter. We’ll be going over news that occurred throughout Canada and maybe even the US, […]