Richmond Shooting Victim Identified 🚨

We will be releasing our full write-up in regards to the Richmond shooting, later tonight. The victim who died from the shooting injuries has been revealed: The other victim who didn’t lose his life has not been revealed as of yet. More to come regarding this Toronto drug-dealer who re-located to the west coast and […]

The Kaunka Story 🎥

We decided to get you guys in on some sort of content before our release in the BK set sequel. Do not worry, it is finally here and will be released for subscribers tomorrow morning and at midnight for all users (excluding graphic footage). Some of you have already seen this master-piece and that’s because […]

September Recap📰:

The following structure that we have laid out will be consistent with every monthly recap, going forward. If you haven’t already – make sure you checked out the Set Rankings for the month of September. It’s back to story time following this release ???????????? *all links attached are to our personal published pieces explaining the […]

Lil Baby Causes A Riot At PNE 😱

One of the world’s greatest rappers decided not to come out and perform his set at Vancouver’s Breakout festival, in which he was headlining. Rumours have already begun to circulate as to why he failed to perform, and the actual festival itself reported that he was facing a devastating illness that wouldn’t allow him to […]


We’ve been overloaded with the recent homicides and have delayed our daily ????OTD releases, but we’re back with a few highlights. We’ll be looking at two different scenarios, one more graphic than the other. Expect us to get back on track with news-worthy VOTD situations for you guys. #1: The first incident seems like a […]

Retaliation – Toni D/Bailey M 🩸:

While the entirety of BC had focused on the retaliation between the Brothers Keepers and the United Nations; youngsters in Toni D and Bailey M followed the exact same script that high profile gangsters Karman and Harb had gone through. The public was so focused and fascinated in the retaliating gang violence that led to […]