Today’s video of the day will feature the viral story out of YYC, in which law enforcement end up killing a very troubled man. The man, Latjor Tuel, had a very difficult upbringing and was suffering from severe PTSD issues during the incident. You can read here and pretty much anywhere online about how the […]

Social Media Snitchin’ – Week 1ļøāƒ£:

We initially started these quick little write-ups of self-incriminating incidents on our old blog, however we all know how that ended. Itā€™s honestly just a reminder on why these gangsters donā€™t last too long on the streets and a big part of that over the last decade; has been social media. Weā€™ve been covering high […]

Character Profile: YYC KingpinšŸ‘‘

Tattoo gets caught lacking while walking with a group of girls. Skidz/Slice ???????? got him that day. 38-year-old Gary Tattoo, legally known as Gursharanjit Parmar is quite the story. Living that old, while being involved in that sort of lifestyle is just extraordinary; hence the reason why they call him the ā€œGodfatherā€. What makes it […]