Brothers Keepers – Set Profile INTRO

Let’s finally dissect into the set profile of the Brothers Keepers, but before we begin – let’s get these names out of the way.

From Left To Right – Daniel Grewal (UK), Gavinder Grewal (deceased), Harpreet Majhu (deceased), Amandeep Kang (BC), Jagraj Atwal (BC), Jujhar Atwal (BC), Sim (unsure), Gurp Dhaliwal (BC), Dave (unsure), Sam Kang (incarcerated), Gary Kang (deceased), Sam Gill (UK or BC, looks very diff here).

This legendary picture was taken many years back, when everything seemed to be going smooth for the Brothers Keepers. Majority of us were only familiar in seeing the revised picture, that cuts out the far-right side which includes Kang brothers Sam and Gary, and BK gangster in Sam Gill. The eldest Gill brother didn’t complain too much about not being included, as the image was blasted on nearly every western media outlet; and was also rumoured to have been submitted to the Vancouver Sun via the Kangs ????. We won’t jump into that Kang situation just yet, until we start to get a more clear understanding on the foundation that these BK members were built off.

Sam, Aman Kang, DG – That tattoo they have in Punjabi on their stomachs refers to Nir Bhau (Without Fear)

The Brothers Keepers is a gang that emerged through brotherly relationships, guys that trusted each other and were ultimately fed up with how things we’re being ran and controlled in the lower-mainland drug scene; by the likes of Red Scorpion leader Jamie Bacon. Guys like Brian (Shrek) Dhaliwal, Gurp Dhaliwal and Gavinder Grewal were essentially getting tired of the bullying going on by Jamie when it came to being forced to pay ridiculous amounts in “street tax”.

We had lengthy conversations with an individual who was involved in it all. He started off as a close hand to infamous gangster Jon Bacon, and progressed into the circles of Shrek and others that played a big role in the BK set. We started to look into this conversation and began to realize that the Brothers Keepers do move decentralized, and it’s apart of the reason why they continue to be relevant in the scene. We believe guys like Gurp Dhaliwal, Aman Kang (before he got charged), the Gill brothers and even Shrek at an extent, run things consistently.

We’ll show you some more exclusive screenshots of the conversation throughout this story and our sequels. Even though GG may have passed, he created a legacy that was built because of how respected and bonded he was with his guys; that ultimately has branched into legal streams of revenue. We see this in Chase The Bag Entertainment, a west-coast label that is backed by members of the Brothers Keepers. Daniel Grewal allegedly manages the label and the respective artists’ that are signed, however we do know that BFR (Pressa’s label) has some sort of ownership as well.

Superstar Certi2x on the label, now incarcerated in Seattle. More on him, CTB and DG on DG’s CP.

He is referring to Slim aka Iqbal Grewal, who was featured on Certi 2x cover art in “Shirt”.

Rest in peace Gary Kang (more about the Kang drift from BK below)

We’ll get into this all with DG’s character profile, so let’s move forward and start to analyze GG.

The way he demanded respect and chose to call shots on his own terms and not having to abide by the calls given to him by Jamie was what his comrades all admired most. When you think about BK, you think GG right away and that’s because we’re reminded with nothing but constant tributes. And if it isn’t a tribute, it’s almost always complete disrespect thats directed towards the fallen leader.

Take a look at just some of the tributes dedicated to the boss, as well as disrespectful comments and posts uploaded on ‘burner’ accounts that consist of UN and RS enemies.

In part 2, we’ll be looking at the homicides and potential suspects in the cases of specific BK gangsters such as GG, Junior, Harpreet, Allie, Minzin, ETC…

Certi2x showing love to his OG that accepted Naseem for who he was. He had posted this whilst he was on the run, before the “shirt” visual. This was right after Gary Kang was shot to death.

Again another tribute set out by Lilman and this one gained attention from the likes of Kim Bolan and other journalists. He refers to Gary as the snake who’s head was ‘cut off’ aka shot to death just a few hours before this post.

It doesn’t stop… and a lot of BK members state that the reason why they have no problem with being disrespectful towards their enemies is because they experienced it first, with Gavin. These guys were at war against 2 different sets in the Red Scorpions and United Nations and the only reason they survived and even came out on top in most scenarios, is because of the Hells Angels.

Without the relations and connection to the HA boys, the Brothers Keepers would’ve been irrelevant many years ago. But because guys like Gurp (HA-patched member) and past association in Suminder (Allie) Grewal, these guys were well positioned in the drug trade.

Allies death will be covered in our sequel as will many of the other unsolved BK gangsters that were killed. He meant a lot to these guys and his funeral was attended by almost every prominent Brother Keeper, even the hitman in T$av was present.

Even with the demonic Jamie vowing to put each and every one of these guys in a grave, they still managed in co existing and consistently having a dominant presence. After all, the Red Scorpions have pretty much shifted into a prison-focused gang due to majority of its leaders and members being locked up.

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Legendary footage of the 2 Bacon Brothers somehow getting in the same room and viciously assaulting a rival UN enemy.

Jarrod (alive) and Jon (deceased).

Jon was the brains behind everything and the Brothers Keepers probably would’ve never been a thing if he was still alive to this day. He had a great relationship with the eldest Dhaliwal in Shrek and is often mentioned as the only guy that could’ve prevented this bloody war. But when he got killed, things started to tumble as the hot head in Jamie Bacon tried to control things while being in jail for the last decade.

More on the RS once we get to their set profile.

The reason why the BK guys get so much hate in comparison to these other gangs is because a lot of rumours have surrounded them with killing innocents and younger children as an example. This is because they have guys like Certi2x and T$av (2 rappers, both are known as hitmen) whom have done a lot of the dirty work in the past few years. Although Lilman hasn’t been convicted of any homicide, it’s basically a given that when he gets extradited back to Canada after his Seattle sentence; the charges will be extensive. We’ll look into this in our sequel and focus on some of the unsolved homicides in regards to these ‘innocent’ killings such as the 2 high-school students Jason and Jassi.

They’ve also always been known for the very violent and unforgiving attitude that they display and this has shown us that these guys have no limits, regardless if you’re family or not. They did Drilldoc bad, apparently even allegedly killed 2 of their members (more in part 2) and have consistently showed that whether it be family or a past member, everyone is held to the same standard.

Naseems blood cousin who was severely assaulted after not working up to the speed that Lilman had expected. He was ‘bagging’ up drugs and didn’t have the right amount when 2x showed up, the rest was history.

We originally stated that the BK gang was built off of brotherly relationships all around, and they are through the likes of the Dhaliwals (rip MD and HD), Atwals, Gills, Grewals, Kangs, etc – but clearly some boundaries do exist. We saw this with Drilldoc for an example, a close related cousin to the Gills and distant to Gurp, who still got severe beatings and exiled from the set because of his antics that led him to being untrusted. Even though he was family, they didn’t cut him a break.

Bottom line is that these guys are ruthless and won’t hold back on anyone, even if you had the tattoo on your chest at one point. That’s the case in Sam Kang whom still apparently has it on his chest and will be unable to cover it until he’s released in 5 years. Gary, the BIBO entertainment founder who was shot and killed at his parents house; had the chest tat successfully removed. Before we dig a little deeper into the whole drift-apart situation, you can click here to watch the jail call we uploaded on YouTube that was recording Gary Kang talk about his older brother in Randeep Kang getting shot to death by TSAV (half black, half chinese hitman who was convicted for the 1st degree homicides in RK and Malhi).

It really is crazy when you think about the last moments that Gary’s life consisted of. He was literally dragged across the house with his parents begging the suspects not to kill him and even standing in front of the gunmen.

Why would someone go to the extent of killing an enemy in front of their parents? Because of retaliation. Gavinder Grewals death was unanswered for and although it still has no convictions tied to it; the streets are fully aware on who was responsible. BIBO members will always argue that the OG’s in the 3 Kang’s were “snaked” first as Randeep was smoked in a hired attempt hit to take out 2 of the 3 brothers in Gary and RK. GK survived that original hit on his life but didn’t get so lucky the 2nd time around.

These Kang’s were at one point really close to each and every one of these BK original gangsters, however something happened and it’s still unclear to this day because of the multiple stories being pushed. We hear one side of the story in the Kangs originally trying to take out GG or Shrek and therefore RK was killed because of the ‘slimey’ movements they were planning, and on the other we hear that BK started the whole thing by going out and killing first.

We’re unsure whether or not AK was that individual the Kang’s went too. But we do actually believe in the whole controversy in regards to SK being turned in jail by the dominance in Jamie Bacon and the Red Scorpions and was therefore forced to go against his guys. GK was also apparently assaulted in prison at one point before his relationship with the Scorpions came to light.

Something happened in those cells and in our point of view we think that it was the Kang brothers who initially tried to scheme against their own crew. We’ll look into this more in our sequel as well as the unsolved homicides of several BK gangsters, recent cases and bail postings, and several victims that were affected by the hands of these killers.

Before we conclude part 1 of the BK set profile, let’s look into one more interesting factor that may have allegedly been assisting these very same gangsters in committing the crimes that they do.

A lot of people around BC truly believe that some law enforcement officers may even be involved in the grand scheme of things. We also can’t wrap our head around certain scenarios such as the suspects in the YVR international airport homicide; where the 2 killers knew exactly where to drive and how to successfully escape. Others also believe that gangsters such as Naseem Mohammed couldn’t have been on the run for as long as he was without some sort of professional support.

A few months ago a Surrey officer was going viral on social media after allegedly being convicted for providing information to the Brothers Keepers. We don’t know if this specific cop is actually involved, but someone is moving dirty.

Keep in mind that we really did want to provide as much content as we could but we were limited in this version because presenting any serious graphic content/violence without a proper disclaimer makes it hard due to legality issues to have some clips public.

Here’s some of the members celebrating before they received the tattoos on their chests.

Here’s some teasers for #2.




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