Fritz-Entzcy Moise-Alfred: 2021 Attempted Murder Charge Back In Court (VIDEO)

In 2021 on the 30th of July, a shooting and attempted murder took place outside the luxurious condo, Tours des Canadiens. A verbal disagreement led to the shooting. Led by ego and the false sense of power having a pistol on you can bring. This week in court, Fritz-Entzcy Moise-Alfred didn’t feel so powerful, stating he regrets his actions that led to the shooting in the summer of 2021.

A video captured the incident on July 30th of 2021.

4 individuals were arrested in the summer of 2021, shortly after noon, in which a shooting took place. Authorities were concerned that a bystander might get hit with collateral damage, similar to the case of 11 year old Daniel Desrochers, who was killed in 1995 due to debris from a car bomb planted under a Jeep. Or even 15 year old Mereim Boundaoui who received a gunshot from a stray bullet that led to fatal injuries in 2020.

Mereim Boundaoui, innocent victim of a 2020 shooting.

The shooting took place in mid-day in an extremely busy sector of downtown Montreal. In the video above, you can even see a bystander leaving in their blue car immediately after the shots were fired. The incident happened a few footsteps away from Montreal’s famous Bell Centre, where the Montreal Canadiens play all their home games and big name artists perform.

Tours des Canadiens, with the famous Montreal Canadiens logo located on Sainte-Antoine West.

The victim of the incident, 22 year old Tshibamba Jordy Tshimanga, was attained by a bullet in the left arm. Tshimanga would then find his way to the hospital, on his own, with no help from emergency services. SPVM spokesperson, Raphael Bergeron, would later state that Tshimanga was known to law enforcement.

Tours des Canadiens, 30th of July, 2021 after the shooting.

A few hours after the incident took place, police arrested 3 women and 1 man, aged 20 to 25 years old. They found the group in the condo at Tours des Canadiens. Police would eventually get a hold of a search warrant and kept all 4 people in custody until the investigation ended.

More photos taken on July 30th, 2021.

Moise-Alfred, 27 at the time, had gotten into a heated argument with Tshimanga. When Tshimanga decided to access the patio outside of the condo, Moise-Alfred headed towards his direction, clutching a pistol in his bag, and finally taking aim and firing shots towards Tshimanga’s direction. This was clearly a crime of impulse, and not contemplated. The argument was allegedly about money and women.

Although going through the hassle of getting a search warrant to find the shooter. Moise-Alfred was apprehended months later and pleaded guilty of unloading a firearm with the intent of hurting someone.

This week, Moise-Alfred was found in court once again with his lawyer Anthony El-Haddad. El-Haddad had asked the judge if he could reduce Moise-Alfred’s sentence to 6 years, instead of 9 years.

July 30th, 2021

Moise-Alfred told the judge that while being in prison, his main priority was to become a model prisoner, even taking an interest in religion. He stated “I am not the best person, but I am working towards becoming a model prisoner, and eventually, a model citizen”. The judge, Suzanne Costom, will make her decision later.

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