September Recap📰:

The following structure that we have laid out will be consistent with every monthly recap, going forward.

If you haven’t already – make sure you checked out the Set Rankings for the month of September.

It’s back to story time following this release ????????????

*all links attached are to our personal published pieces explaining the given scenario*

United Nations Recap ????

Ravinder Samra (older brother to Chucky aka Amarpreet)

The United Nations and the roster full of demons that they operate through, have been rather quiet in the month of September, in comparison to the months prior; where they made headlines all over the world when big time BK member in Meninder Dhaliwal was gunned down. The shooting in itself was a shock to many, but when law enforcement announced the arrests and revealed just how young the killers were; it opened the eyes of the entire country in regards to how insane this whole gang culture has gotten.

In the month of September – The UN boys found themselves pretty quiet but were still impacted with more negative factors than positive. The only positive they came out this month with was the fact that they recently linked up with the Kangs (explained below). Aside from that, they still remain very strong in the drug trade and have control over multiple territories.

  • Shakiel Basra Arrested:

Shakiel Basra aka Pedro is a pretty big player in the current scene and that’s because he’s very close to the Samra brothers, specifically Chucky (Amarpreet Samra). Considering how majority of the higher-profile UN guys have relocated and left the country; guys like the Samras stepped up and took on a whole lot of responsibility, which meant that Shak was naturally seated at the leadership table.

He was arrested at the beginning of the month, alongside another associate who still remains unknown to the public. We have no confirmation on whether or not he’s been released, but we have heard from specific sources on the UN side that the demon is back on the streets.

  • Arman Dhillon Gunned Down In Oakville:

United Nations gangster Arman Dhillon escaped death several times throughout his life, most recently in Montreal when his enemies missed multiple shots after spotting him in public. His streak of luck came to an end when he was caught again by his enemies in Ontario, but this time had bullets riddle his body. It was evident that the BK set had claimed the hit, as we started to see Arman’s name being dragged across social media in celebration for avenging Meninder Dhaliwal. Some say that the BK set aren’t satisfied and won’t be until a high ranking member is smoked, and is of equal to the status of MD.

The homicide of Dhillon was probably the biggest set-back the gang has faced since losing Jimi Slice, and that’s because AD had a powerful presence in multiple provinces that wasn’t BC. On top of that, whenever these gangs lose a big name that tends to be blasted through the media; it seems as if law enforcement focuses more and cracks in on these gangsters. And that’s why we’ve heard about many powerful UN gangsters in the BC area having relocated.

Keep in mind that Ravinder Samra just dodged death as well, and we think we’re starting to see these UN demons realize that they may not be immortal after all.

  • Conor DMONTES Situation:

The most impactful leader to come from the United Nations gang that isn’t named Clay Roueche, is none other than Conor D’monte. Known for leading his gang in the peak years of the Bacon Brothers’ dominance, Conor stood his ground in the underworld and made a name for himself with how active and vicious he became in the streets.


D’monte was probably the biggest name to have been blasted on the media after he was arrested in Puerto Rico, using a fake alias and living very comfortably for many years. In what was already a very challenging start to the year for the gang, after losing Slice and the likes of Skidz’ chains and whatnot, Dmonte’s arrest was the icing on top. In what will probably take several years before we see him being officially convicted and sentenced; his role in carrying out those gang-related hits will more than likely keep him behind bars for the remainder of his days. That’s why he did whatever he could in trying to remain anonymous and evade justice; ultimately doing a pretty good job if you think about it, as he was allegedly never seen without sunglasses or a hat. Not sure if that was smart or self-incriminating, but the man went by Johnny Williams and was kicking it with politicians and very powerful people that had no clue he was a notorious gang leader.

When he first originally fled Canada, it was known that D’monte still had his foot in things and was continuing to call shots through encrypted software. Over the years though, it seems like he’s been pushed away from the leadership circle and we believe that he himself did this. It was the best move he could’ve made and that’s because this was a guy who was trying to ensure he would never have to go to jail for his past actions in his “past life”. The most recent update regarding his extradition request and overall arrest was regarding him being denied extra entitlement to more evidence in his case.

Some were obviously confused with him trying to fight his extradition because of the jail conditions in a country like Puerto Rico compared to Canadian prisons/jails. But in reality, D’monte would probably be living a lot more relaxed and lavish in Puerto Rico where he could pay for his life behind walls, whereas in Canada he would be treated like El Chapo. That – and all of the constant fear that he would be having to live with once locked up in BC/Canada, due to his enemies in the Red Scorpions dominating the prison system.

Last month, D’Monte’s lawyer Andrew S. McCutcheon complained that the Canadian “extradition package does not contain physical or digital evidence of any kind tying Mr. D’Monte to a crime. And yet, the court is asked to approve the physical seizure and transportation of Mr. D’Monte’s body to another country.”

But in a new court filing, an assistant U.S. attorney noted that extradition isn’t a criminal proceeding and therefore D’Monte isn’t entitled to more than Canadian authorities have already provided — an affidavit by police officer Terrence Murphy highlighting the criminal case against him.

“D’Monte is not a criminal defendant in the United States, and this is not a criminal proceeding. He is a fugitive from Canada whose extradition has been requested by that government,” assistant U.S. attorney Julian N. Radzinschi said. “Everything else that D’Monte requests should wait until he is back in Canada, represented by counsel there, and in the posture of a criminal defendant facing charges in that country to request whatever discovery and materials he is entitled to under Canadian law.”

We’ll see him in Canada soon…

Pretty quiet month for the UN demons and aside from the west-coast drug trade that they are dominating, we are positive that there is a lot going on behind the scenes that will ultimately shift these guys to even more power and dominance in the coming months/years.

RedScorpions/BIBO aka Kangs Recap ????


We’re going to be honest and say that we really didn’t expect the Red Scorpions/BIBO demons to have made the moves that they have in the month of September. The most surprising set to have influenced majority of the month, comes from guys that are currently incarcerated such as the infamous Sameet Kang (only remaining Kang alive). Jamie Bacon’s situation is still in the air and we have no legitimate confirmation on whether or not he still remains head-honcho or if he has lost his ‘clout’ and credibility after the “snitch-pitch call”. We probably won’t have any real clue on what his status is until he’s released and we start to take in his first few moves. The thing with these guys is that they have more OG’s and gangsters locked up in jail than any other set, which obviously holds them back and that’s why they’ve found themselves in the bottom of our rankings for a very long period. Now that guys like Jvne (BIBO artist) is out and the BIBO scene seems to have re-sparked, as well as us starting to shape up who really runs things at the moment (most of them are shadows and have no social media presence), we’re positive that this month wasn’t a ‘random or lucky’ one.

  • Ahmed Tahir/Bailey vs Toni D:

The month didn’t start well for the gang and that’s because we saw a judge hand Ahmed Tahir (BIBO Shooter) a life-sentence that has no chance for parole until he serves at least 17 years. In addition to that tragedy, we also learned that the hit was completely unnecessary as law enforcement and investigators stated that they had Toni on surveillance and were days away from arresting him with the murder of Bailey (Bibo member). So basically, they sent the kid Ahmed out for a retaliating hit that he wasn’t paid for, and would’ve saw retaliation/revenge in it’s own without having to risk his freedom if his gang had just been a little more patient.

We provided pretty much every detail you can think of regarding the homicides of both Bailey and Toni in our detailed write-up.

  • SK Links Up With Skidz? Alliance:

Without spoiling too much of our Kang Sequel that is complete and being published by the 27th, we want to give you guys some more information on the news that broke the streets. It has been reported that the alliance has been formed since the beginning of the month, but we didn’t actually get confirmation until the whole SMAN/PK situation occurred. It’s completely absurd and even high-ranking BK members are quite surprised at how the demons in Sam and Skidz managed to work things through, over a phone-call? Some have stated that it wasn’t over the jail phone and was obviously conducted via a contraband phone; however it really shouldn’t matter how the talk went down but rather how significant it really is. It’s pretty much going to be an everyday nightmare for members of the Brothers Keepers, as their 2 main enemies have now linked up in prioritizing the genocide of these BK gangsters. Things haven’t really shaken as of yet, and it really probably won’t until we see more of these big names get released in the coming years. We do know that a lot of talk is going on and the BK gang is starting to worry about operations the new alliance has already started to set-up.

More information on the sequel obviously!

  • SMAN Gets Lined Up:

This is why SK made the noise that he did, and it’s because Naseem Mohammed aka Certi2x’s brother was shot to death under his order. Before we continue – go look at an instagram post regarding the homicides that we collaborated on, with our friend in @indocanadian_dboys – a detailed #6ixak write-up that includes footage. Or you can also look at both stories that reported on each of the homicides on our blog – PK’s Homicide and SMAN’S Homicide.

With how recent and informative we kept you guys in on these shootings, there really isn’t much else to explain other than looking into how and why Sam Kang and the Red Scorpions had claimed the initial shooting of Sameh. We all know what came next and it was instant retaliation that saw PK,(Prince Khan aka blood-cousin to Moeen Khan) get brutally murdered just a few days after returning to BC and leaving Toronto’s Rolling “Thunder” (Kim Impersonation). It’s also very important to note that he was frequently spotted with SMAN during the festival and was also in the same vehicle that SMAN was killed in.

Moeen Khan is a blood cousin to PK and he’s also one of the most loyal members that remain on Sam Kang’s team. No one really knows why SMAN was killed and that’s because he was nothing like his brother in Naseem, as he only really prioritized on making money and ignoring all of the politics and non-sense. But because of how far-behind SK probably thinks he is in terms of catching up and getting revenge for his dead family/friends, the opportunity was a golden one for the demon in resurrecting his name and being heard in the streets. It really does tell you that regardless of whether or not you deserve death; if you are involved in the lifestyle and have family members such as Certi in Sman’s case, you are more vulnerable to danger than you think.

That’s the case with Sameh and it’s an unfortunate one, but because of his name and associations; he was lined up by somebody that he clearly trusted in PK that ultimately assisted in his execution. The crazy thing is that SMAN probably knew about PK and his family relationship to Moeen, but he obviously didn’t think of the kid as being dangerous and that’s why he brought the kid around him. Little did he know that Prince was reporting every move to his cousin who notified the gang leader in SK, whom immediately put out the hit. It’s also been alleged that Sam has built relationships and bonds with several Toronto gangsters that are also locked up with him on the same range.

Welcome back Sam and BIBO… they’ve woken the streets up again…


  • Billie Onare Kim Sentenced To 10 Years:

Billie Onare Kim was custodian for a dial-a-dope “stash site,” near the Richmond Olympic Oval, which a judge described as housing a “toxic combination of drugs and guns”. He was a very well respected member of the Red Scorpions and was sentenced to a total of 10 years a few months back. Obviously it didn’t happen in September, but it was a very under-rated article that not many are even aware about.

It’s a great read and you guys should all check it out. These guys were doing big things.

Just goes to show you the recurring theme the Red Scorpions have been up against, and that’s jail sentences for it’s big guys which has now led to a new age of gangster that the set operates through. Guys like Shmoney and Lolo and Arab ????????????????

A lot of names are going to be released in the coming months and years, which means that this war is about to head to levels it has never seen before. Especially when Sam gets out, we expect nothing but a blood-bath as the demon has had to experience more deaths than birthdays behind bars.

Brothers Keepers Recap ????


  • SMAN Shot Dead/Lined Up By PK:

⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ We already explained this. The Brothers Keepers faced a lot during the month of September but losing SMAN was not only devastating for the BK guys, but it also severely impacted members and rappers of Toronto’s BFR/WassGang. 2x was known for being a very loyal and respected member of the Brothers Keepers, opposed to his brother whom was closer with the Toronto side of things. Anytime a homicide like this happens; which seemingly links and connects two sets/gangs in ultimately having to retaliate for a fallen member that belonged to both groups, it usually means a whole lot of blood is coming. We saw how fast they got to PK and we know they aren’t satisfied yet.

  • Andrew Best (member of AK’s operation) Locked For 5 Years:

Another set-back for the gang that happened earlier in the month was the conviction of Andrew Best, a mid-level member that worked with the Brothers Keepers. He was most specifically under the lead of AK’s operation and had played a pretty big role in successfully managing the program. AK is still in the midst of battling his case and we really don’t know how many years he will have to face, if any. The only reason why Best was already convicted is because he took the first deal that prosecutors gave him, ultimately fearing the consequences of his actions and being exposed of crumbling in the interrogation room. No reports or confirmation of him assisting police or ‘snitching’ on the case. We provided full details regarding his sentencing and we included this in our September recap because it shows you the new trend that the BK set is going through. A lot more jail sentences and gangsters are going to be on the radar for law enforcement, as they are cracking down on the gang more so than any other set.

  • Update On Jagraj Dhinsa Homicide:

Jagraj was actually an original follower of our platform since the emoji days, and it really did hit home when we heard about his tragic death. He was found in a ditch and was so badly disfigured/beaten that he could not be recognized and it was actually days/weeks until investigators revealed his identification. At first they released a sketch of the student/DBOY that we have included in our BK Set Sequel, in order to get assistance from the public on possibly figuring out who the victim was. It’s been almost a year since his death and there has been no leads or any sort of advancement on the cold case.

The reason why we included this in our recap is because the 18-year-old Sa-Hali secondary student was also associated to the BK set and was known to have worked a drug line on behalf of the gang. We also just saw a very recent update on the case that explains all the basics that we know already, such as his body being found in a parking lot of a business on the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc reserve. The vehicle that is suspected of being involved in his homicide was also located about 24 KM from the scene. The only real update that we received was 9 days ago when law officials stated that they still have no leads and are pleading for assistance: Anyone with footage or information about the Dhinsa murder is asked to call the police information line at 1-877-987-8477. 

The update was just to notify the public that the other homicide that occurred in Kamloops 5 months prior to Dhinsa’s death, (Lawrence Pooli) had nothing to do with each other. Kamloops RCMP say there is currently nothing to indicate the Aug. 26 Brocklehurst shooting death of Lawrence Pooli and and the Jan. 28 murder of 18-year-old Sa-Hali secondary student Jagraj Dhinsa are related.

More to be explained in our BK SET SEQUEL… SUCH AS ACTUAL LEADS ????

  • Kelowna Drug/Guns Bust:

About 4 days ago on September 21st; A variety of guns, knives, and machetes were displayed alongside cocaine, methamphetamines, and fentanyl during a police press conference. There was enough fentanyl alone to create almost 30,000 lethal doses of the highly toxic drug, officers said.

Kelowna is Canada’s fastest growing city and law enforcement are especially concerned with the increasing gang violence and culture that has started to corrupt the area. Therefore, they have started to crack down and just successfully laid out 17 charges after a month-long investigation that focused on taking down people with ties to groups such as Red Alert, Brothers’ Keepers, and outlaw motorcycle gangs. No one is currently in custody but arrests/charges are to be announced in the next few days.

Kelowna RCMP are doing an excellent job and here’s what the spokesperson had to say:

Kelowna high school kids are being drawn into the drugs and gangster lifestyle, Laurin said, by the “myths of easy money and a false sense of loyalty to the group,” she said. “Gangs use many tactics, including music videos and social media, as well as more traditional methods such as blackmail, creating indebtedness, or participation in violence to recruit members,” Laurin said. While Kelowna’s gang problems have increased in recent years, it still has not reached the severity of organized crime in the Vancouver area, where gang-violence in public settings is increasingly common, Laurin said. “Kelowna and the Thompson-Okanagan are not the Lower Mainland,” she said.


The RCMP and law enforcement in general is starting to target and single these BK gangsters out. More and more of these demons are starting to realize just how much of a target they are to both the enemy and the ‘good guys’.

Wolfpack Recap ????

We’ve always praised just how advanced and ahead the WP set is, and with the recent stints that they’ve been pulling; we’re pretty sure you guys agree now too. That’s not to say that the month of September was filled with nothing but positive factors for the gang, and that’s because they still faced disappointment as a whole after the conviction of Amero. It would obviously be a lot more of a set-back for the criminal organization if Rabih never escaped, but it’s safe to say that we should never be counting these guys out as they are known for their viral surprises.

  • Shane ‘Wheels’ Maloney Wheels Away From Justice:

The most recent headline to have occupied the Wolves was the recent vanishment of the Paraplegic gangster in Wheels. When we thought the end of WolfPack out-smarting law officials was with Rabih Alkhalil’s masterful prison escape, we were wrong and have now came to terms of understanding that these guys are capable of pretty much anything.

Maloney, 45, is serving a 69-month sentence for trying to buy 25 kilograms of cocaine from an undercover agent and for possessing enough explosives and firearms to start a small war. He was granted full parole for about 2 years after convincing the board that he wanted a move to BC that would allow him a restart at life. It wasn’t until a year later in 2021 when problems started to arise that ultimately led to a decision by the board to revoke his parole and bring him back into custody.

His parole was revoked on the 12th of September and he was issued a warrant for his arrest about 4 days later, in which officials learned he had disappeared. The reason why his parole was revoked was because of his paranoia that led him to hide things from his parole management team. He believed that his own friend for an example, that was actually paying for his cellphone, cable and internet bills had turned into a police informant and was ultimately spying/watching the handicapped criminal. We don’t know whether or not it’s confirmed, but it seems as if the media has made it look like Wheels was basically losing his mind. The ruling before he vanished read:  “While you have not reoffended for an extended period, your thoughts and actions seem to be focused on whether your supports and strangers are collaborating with police to incriminate you”.

We don’t see Wheels being on the run for too much longer and that’s because his options are a lot more limited because of his inability to walk. It allows police to close in on him a lot quicker and we would honestly be surprised if he remains hidden following the new year. There’s no way WolfPack has used the level of resources that we saw them use in Rabih’s situation; and that’s not because Wheels is less important or anything, but because they are composed of smart minds that understand certain scenarios as simply being unrealistic.


  • Larry Amero/Rabih’s Conviction:

It wasn’t the most ideal start that the WolfPack envisioned for September and that’s primarily because they were expecting to continue the celebrations of Alkhalil’s escape with Amero hopefully beating the convictions and walking a free man. Unfortunately things didn’t turn out the way they expected this time, and Amero was convicted of conspiracy to murder both Duhre and Sukh Dhak. Alkhalil was also convicted and is expected to be behind bars for the rest of his life if he ever gets handcuffed again. When Rabih escaped, a lot of talk was going around that Amero would be walking and that clearly wasn’t the case. Big names such as Damion Ryan and Amero are behind bars for the Wolves and that will continue to set them back.

WolfPack didn’t really have any other matter worth mentioning in the recap and we all know how quiet they like to operate. They are probably the most spread out gang with members across the entire world, apart from the Hells Angels obviously. We expect a very big article in the next few days, as the RCMP have stated they will be updating the public on Rabih Alkhalils situation. Stay tuned.

Other Notable Stories ????

The Hells Angels were relatively quiet during the month of September, as they usually always are. We did mention in our September Set Rankings that a few minor/petty situations regarding some of their members had been blasted on the media such as water-balloons and homeless people, gun-licenses being denied, money laundering schemes and the most major one saw the release of a very high-ranking member in the Quebec region. Pretty much everyday news for the 81 demons, and because of how much more dominant they are in comparison to the other sets; if it isn’t a headline banger such as a member having killed or been killed, we probably won’t bother writing on it.

So with that said – here’s a few stories that captured our eye in the month of September:

Jeeti/Rosie vs Taman And Her Army:

Little freebie for you guys that’s been available to subscribers! I know some of you subs are passing our content along to your friends which we really can’t stop ????

UNC Charlotte ???? School:

Happened at UNC Charlotte.

  • Tristan Cheetos Overdoses?:

This would’ve belonged in the BK category of the recap but because he was most recently running a drug line independently, we included it here. Long story short, Cheetos was reported by many as being deceased. A lot of people have already went on social media to show love to the fallen DBOY:

If you’re a subscriber, make sure you check out our Week 3 ????OTW series that featured Cheetos. Keep in mind that Tristan was the same kid who gave out beatings to Asher Khan aka VD, and now he has lost his life. It’s crazy how karma works. If you aren’t a subscriber and want to learn more about Cheetos without having to wait for our BK Sequel that looks at past and existing members of the gang, click here for the Shmoney CP that also looks into him.

We hope he didn’t go out like how Drillmanz and his group almost did:

Overdose/addiction is never a joke and needs to be addressed more openly in the criminal underworld. These gangsters and young DBOYS are under the influence of life-endangering opiates that are laced with fentanyl most of the time. It’s a scary world! Rest easy Cheetos. More updates as we learn.

  • Ruffians/Deportation:

These international students have been going crazy this past month and the most recent breaking headline was in Brampton a few days ago, where we saw the Ruffians play GTA 6 in real life.

Before that, it was a few headliners with Ruffians located at their central headquarters at the Strawberry Hill plaza in Surrey, which did nothing but continue to put a bad rep and name to the general Sikh population.

Apart from them driving like literal maniacs, we saw a couple of them actually run a police officer out of the plaza ????????????

They’re facing a lot of backlash for this and there will be consequences. In fact, it’s already been reported that 40 of these youths may even be facing deportation.

They are complaining and fighting back stating that the officer was racially profiling/harassing the students. This will definitely be going to supreme court ????




LilBaby Causes A Riot @ PNE: CLICK HERE

Mother Gets Her Son Back In Blood And Later Arrested: CLICK HERE


We will be doing a lot of research on the asian demons who run BC in the shadows without ever being noticed. Because we are the greatest at what we do, it’s only right that we start exposing and shedding light on the inner-workings of organizations such as the Triads and Yakuza gangsters. Just recently, a lot of west-coast citizens were alerted and notified on the significant arrests of 3 Richmond residents whom were connected to the international organized crime syndicate known as the Japanese Yakuza.

We posted about it on our new IG account @6ixak_tv – but you can find more information on the charges and individuals arrested on articles published by the likes of CBC

This is the first time we have covered an Asian organization and we are letting you guys know now that we will be working on several different projects regarding these demons. We will be first covering the FK/FOB scene in the YYC/YEG area.

Heres your average VPD officer on the job:

We have clearly missed some of the stories that we have covered during the month and it’s because we probably already published a piece on it. A few examples are the Saskatchewan Stabbing Massacre, the American who was shooting innocents and many more! Make sure you guys look over the entire blog and read every story!

If you made it to the end – make sure you check out this fantastic read that speaks about the current status of Vancouver’s crime and election.

We got more...

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