
SPVQ’s Project MALSAIN Nabs Criminal Who Took And Assaulted A Hostage
A very important police operation that is taking place throughout these current years in Quebec City is Project MALSAIN. An operation aimed to slow down

5 Men Shot Randomly In Rexdale Purge
This past weekend was a chaotic one for the Greater Toronto Area which included a mass shooting of 5 soccer players, one in which was

Keziah Mackenzie: Montreal’s 17th Murder Occurs At A Basketball Court
A murder in itself is a hard thing to handle for the victim’s family. The family is left looking for answers while the victim lies

The Murder Of Jesse Tubbs: Toronto’s 32nd Homicide Of The 2024
A homicide took place on Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 where police responded to a call near the intersection of Isabella Street and Jarvis in the

Clandestine Amphetamine Laboratory Operatives Sentenced To 7 Years in Prison
I’ve said it many times before and I will say it again, Quebec is a huge amphetamine-consuming province, with many taking so called methamphetamine tablets

3 Dead After Montreal Street Fight In The Plateau-Mont Royal
Something happened between 2018 and today that sparked gang violence. With shootings taking place almost weekly in the borough, stabbings more frequently, it’s hard to

Project Ecrevisse & Serge ‘Pom Pom’ Pomerleau: Kingpins to Inmates to Escapees
I grew up in a small town Northwest of the province, called Val-D’Or, with a population of around 36,000 people. There’s only one way to

Keegan ‘Icy’ BankaSingh: Toronto’s Skinner
A person like Keegan, in his forties with a long list of offenses, should not be anywhere near our women and children. We usually don’t

Deja Vu: Celestin’s Mothers Residence Targeted Again & Chabaan Targeted Once Again
History repeats itself, as the old saying goes. In this case, it occurred at the same place, with the same actions. We’ve had to double

Montreal Rapper ‘Dirty S’ Gunned Down In Ahuntsic Borough
It’s a wonder why there are so many legit gang members that also rap, putting them out in the public, practically preaching about their lifestyle

Multiple Shots Fired On The South Shore Of Montreal
Within the recent years Montreal has been facing more and more violence, with shootings, plural, happening each week. This also goes for Longueil, a town

35 Year Old Man Shot In Thetford Mines After A Homicide Takes Place In Limoilou, Quebec City
The region of Chaudiere-Apalaches, better known as Beauce, to the south of Quebec City has witnessed tons of criminal happenings these days. The region is

2 Red Devils Prospects Shot Guarding Frampton Clubhouse On The First Run Of The Year
The first run for the Hells Angels MC and their support clubs in Quebec occurred this past weekend, but this wasn’t a run like many

Gunshots & Stabbings: Multiple Incidents Define Quebec’s Criminal State
Within the past week, it’s hard to ignore all the incidents that have occurred throughout Quebec, mainly in the regions close to Quebec City and

A Tragic First Run For The Hells Angels In Quebec
As the snow melts in the northern regions of Quebec, it’s time to store the snowmobiles away and get the bikes out, whether it be

Project Soft Landing: InterProvincial Drug Network
Yesterday morning (MAY 1), news reverberated across the nation as authorities in Manitoba unveiled a significant inter-provincial network that had now been dismantled, as disclosed

Grolls ‘OGC’ Septus: Zone 43 Member & Rapper ‘Bloodshot’ Sentenced To 5 Years
It’s hard to say whether rap music influences gang members, or the gang lifestyle produces rappers. These days gang members are more into flaunting the

Eric ‘Beluga’ Leclerc: Ex-Hells Angels Member Shot To Death In Trap House
The Hells Angels are the crème de la crème of motorcycle clubs. To be even considered a prospect, you need bring something to the table,

Project Deja Vu: TPS Lays 102 Charges & Twelve Arrests
In today’s world, there are many reasons in which one would commit identity theft. It might be for the Permanent Resident plastic identity card that

Criminal Activities Rise In The East Of Quebec
Quebec City was gaining heat with the fuzz on the turn of the new year, with the torture of Hells Angels associates by members and

Edmonton Police VS Indian Government
Project Gaslight has shocked the entirety of Alberta. 2 days ago, on the 24th of April – Edmonton Police Service detectives released a series of