RCMP Uncover Startling Evidence Following Suspicious Break-In Report
In a surprising turn of events, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) made a significant discovery after responding to an emergency call reporting a suspicious break-and-enter incident.

RCMP’s Surprising Find Raises Questions About Operation’s True Nature
In what the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) described as a “miraculous stumble,” officers uncovered critical evidence following a recent break-and-enter call. The discovery, which authorities insist was not the result of a pre-coordinated operation, has sparked widespread speculation.
We will explore further in an upcoming report, examining the potential forces at play behind this unexpected turn of events and the implications for the operation that was seemingly dismantled.

Suspicious Activity Report Leads RCMP to Stash-House in Gang-Dominated Prince George
An alert citizen’s report of suspicious activity led the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to a stash-house in Prince George, a region long dominated by the Brothers Keepers gang. While official confirmation of the stash-house’s ownership remains pending, it’s widely acknowledged that the Brothers Keepers have maintained a stronghold over this lucrative area for many years.

Despite the lack of direct evidence tying the property to the gang, the implications are clear given the group’s notorious control over the territory.

Potential Major Blow to Brothers Keepers Gang Amid Leadership Crisis
If the stash-house in question does indeed belong to the Brothers Keepers, the implications could be severe for the gang’s operations in the Lower Mainland. Such a loss would represent a significant setback for any criminal organization in the region. However, for the Brothers Keepers, this blow comes at a particularly challenging time.
One of the gang’s key leaders, Amandeep Kang, was recently sentenced to a lengthy prison term, further destabilizing the group. While it’s often said that everyone in the underworld is replaceable, the Brothers Keepers—much like the UN Skidz faction—are facing a dwindling pool of loyal and trustworthy members. The combination of recent leadership losses and potential territorial setbacks could mark a substantial downfall for the gang.

Law enforcement officers suspect that the majority of these drugs were being transported/TP’ED into northern provinces and reserves. They’ll ALSO be increasing their enforcement efforts in PG; meaning a lot of teams and DBOYS will be moving out of the region in the coming days and weeks.
Prince George is the largest city in northern B.C., with a population of more than 80,000 and a service centre for roughly 290,000 people spread over the province’s north coast to Dawson Creek and Fort St. John near the B.C.-Alberta border — an area covering nearly 600,000 square kilometres.