Today’s video of the day is as recent as it gets, and concerns an Ottawa woman who was being viciously attacked and chased in what looked like an angry mob out of ‘The Walking Dead’. Our last video of the day was in regards to the Memphis woman who was kidnapped whilst jogging, and her body has actually been identified after a really twisted scenario. Before we go into today’s, we will give you guys a little schedule as to what to expect in the next 24 hours.


  • ????OTW Episode 6 released sometime tonight.
  • VOTD released within the next hour.
  • A very intense surprise ????!
  • Bassi/Joey Brampton story tomorrow at 6 pm pst.


  • Weekly Recap either today or tomorrow.
  • Visuals uploaded on the gallery, a minimum of 15 (by 11 pm pst)
  • Bassi/joey story without a lot of ???? content, tomorrow at midnight.
  • CP on the Queen analyzing how corrupt and terrible she was?

We try to follow and put out whatever it is that you guys would like to see. Constructive criticism is our best friend, therefore you guys should not hesitate to contact us – regarding anything. Obviously, we’re known for our delays and sometimes even throwing up content that you guys did not expect.

Todays ????OTD concerns another situation that seems to be inspired by racism or some sort of hatred. an innocent lady was on a run/walk at a park in Ottawa, until she was spotted by an angry and frustrated white lady who was furious at the fact that Laura wasn’t wearing a bra. Here’s the tweet that the Ottawa native had put out, with video footage below.

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We split it into two parts.

All because she wasn’t wearing a bra. Absolutely insane.

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