It’s a summer filled with heat in the province of Quebec. After the winter the Quebec criminal world had seen, with the Blood Family Mafia and independent dealers battling a drug war with the Hells Angels on the east end of the province, there is no doubt about it. The strife keeps progressing as events are popping up all across the province in relation to this war. All Boivin, a Saguenay king pin located only hours away from Quebec City, seems to be very prevalent in this drug war. Let’s keep in mind that All Boivin is a fugitive with a 100,000$ bounty on his head, being one of the most wanted fugitive of the country’s BOLO program.
All Boivin is presently wanted for drug trafficking by the SQ (Surete de Quebec). He was born on July 11th, 1989 and his last known residence, before fleeing the long arm of the law, was in Saint-Lazare, Quebec, located on the outskirts of Montreal. Weighing in at 242 pounds, he is also wanted for kidnapping charges. He was part of the 10 most wanted criminals in the country of Canada in March of 2023 at only 34-years-old.

The disagreement between factions had ramped up once the strife between BFM (Blood Family Mafia) and the HAMC had taken a turn at the turn of the 2023/2024 year. His enemies consist of the well-known support club, the Red Devils MC, whose clubhouse is located in Frampton on the east of the province and was victim to a shooting between 2 BFM soldiers and 2 RDMC prospects in May of this year. This incident occurred during the yearly biker run in Quebec. It’s important to note that Boivin is NOT a member of the Blood Family Mafia. It’s also important to note that BFM is in league with the Profit Boys (Profit Kollectaz) street gang in Montreal.

A police operation in relation to a kidnapping attempt had taken place on Tuesday (27/08/2024) towards 7:30pm in downtown Alma, a town located in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region of the province. A 29-year-old unnamed man was kidnapped in Alma.

Two vehicles which were a part of the kidnapping attempt were pin-pointed a little after the kidnapping operation had taken place. 6 suspects were arrested between the age of 21 all the way to 34-years-old. Five of the suspects had come from Montreal, while the 21-year-old hailed from Jonquiere. Around 10 cellphones were seized along with 10,000$ in cash as well as a 9mm. The victim which was kidnapped was unharmed.

The six suspects arrested were as of listed below…
- Jerome Barile
- Sherwin Kadeem Atkinson Edwards
- Christopher ‘Dodo’ Lachaud-Desire
- Yanick Tshinkenke
- Marc-Evans ‘Ti-Mak’ Jentilhomme
- Kensey ‘Ryder’ Apollon
All six faced one charge of kidnapping.
All six suspects appeared in court through videoconference in which the prosecutor of the case, Amelie Gilbert, had opposed their bail hearing. Their hearing was postponed to September 4th of 2024. Although there was a order of prohibited communication between the victim and another person.

The SQ stated how this was a cause to prohibit the collection of cash money to All Boivin for the sales of drugs. All Boivin has had a search warrant tied to his name since February of 2023 for drug trafficking, most notably cocaine trafficking. He is also facing charges on possession of drugs with means to traffic, cannabis trafficking as well as possession.

The more interesting part of this kidnapping attempt comes with 3 of the 6 accused are members of the Profit Boys (Profit Kollectaz), a prominent street gang operating in the Rivieres-Des-Prairies (RDP) borough of Montreal.
33-year-old Kensey ‘Ryder’ Apollon is an individual well known to authorities in Montreal, being one of the heads of the street gang named ‘Profit Kollectaz’ (PK) or otherwise known as the Profit Boys. Marc-Evans ‘Ti-Mak’ Jentilhomme as well as Christopher ‘Dodo’ Lachaud-Desire are also members of the street gang. The street gang is known to not only have tentacles in Montreal but also in Toronto. Yanick Tshinkenke, a fourth suspect, is also known to be part of the Profit Boys street gang.

Kensey ‘Ryder’ Apollon as well as Dave ‘Jackboy’ Dorestant (Unrelated to the kidnapping) are the alleged leaders of the Profit Boyz (PK). Both were suspects in an attempted murder which had taken place in the province of Ontario in the span of recent months. It’s important to note that the Profit Boyz were a part of a gang war which took place between Montreal-North’s ‘Zone 43’ street gang in 2020/2021 which is at a standstill presently. Some of their enemies consist of CCL (Christophe-Colomb-Louvain), a gang that claims the color ‘blue’ within the island of Montreal. The Profit Boys claim the color ‘green’ as seen with the picture Apollon with his green bandana.

The ongoing strife between multiple criminal factions in the province of Quebec seem to lead towards a lot of confusion these days. With 3 separate strives happening, it is hard to pinpoint two different factions. All we are aware of, so far, is that the Profit Boys are in allegiance with Laval’s Flame Head Boys (FHB) and the ’24 Gang’. These gangs are also in allegiance with Cotes-des-Neiges ‘160 Gang’, and STL as well as their separate faction name ‘EGK’ or ‘Everybody Gets Killed’.