Yesterday was an interesting day for criminal happenings in the province of Quebec. Wednesday morning (15/01/2024) started off with a literal bang, from the chamber of a gun. A man lies dead, slumped over in the driver’s seat of his SUV. His 2-year-old crying in the backseat. Less than an hour later, a fully-patched HAMC member would be target to an attempted murder. Miraculously, nobody would be injured in the latter incident.

One would think these two events had been set forth from the same criminal organization, but police deem these two incidents are unrelated. With the hit on Margerie-Blais suspected to be an internal purge, and the attempted hit on Alexandre Maltais, the HAMC member in question, suspected to be a contract set forth by the Blood Family Mafia.

The murder occurred in Saint-Charles-Borromee, located only minutes away from Joliette in the Lanaudiere region. A call had been placed to authorities towards 8:05am after a woman had heard the cries of a 2-year-old infant near Rang Double, located in the backseat of a Hyundai. When she approached the vehicle, she had stumbled upon a gruesome discovery; a man, lying lifeless in the driver’s seat. She immediately called the police.

Once emergency services had arrived on the scene, they were able to identify the victim as 37-year-old Antoine de Margerie-Blais. His 2-year-old sitting helplessly in the backseat, only a dozen or so days away from his 3rd birthday. An individual who was close to Pointes-aux-Tremble’s Full Metal MC. A biker club aligned with the Hells Angels MC in the province, Margerie-Blais also had alleged ties to the Reaper MC. There are even rumors about him being a driver for a full-patch member of the HAMC Trois-Rivieres.

In the past few weeks Margerie-Blais had claimed to take a break from the criminal lifestyle in order to spend more time with his family. This is all-the-while he was getting more paranoid, looking over his shoulder and rightfully-so.

Radio-Canada, or the CBC, claims that Antoine de Margerie-Blais was arrested throughout ‘Operation ORQUE’ in 2019. A police operation which targeted organized crime and drug-trafficking. Margerie-Blais never had a criminal record before and he would manage to dodge a charge that stemmed from Operation ORQUE, having never been accused.

His brother, Vincent de Margerie-Blais, on the other hand, would be convicted of six months behind bars with another 18-months of probation. Operation ORQUE highlighted the activities of two full-patch HAMC Trois-Rivieres chapter members; Claude Gauthier and Pascal Facchino. The operation led to the arrests of 33 individuals, the seizure of 23 vehicles, 2 kilograms of cocaine, 120,000$, 4 firearms, 27,100 methamphetamine tablets and 6 HAMC cuts.

Roughly a day after the murder, the SQ (Quebec Provincial Police) released photos of the murder suspect caught on security cameras. The pictures consisted of a man and his ‘HiBoy’ fat bike, which he used to escape the scene of the crime. It takes a special type of individual to murder a father in front of their two year old son and then escape on a fat bike in the middle of winter. A true wonder. The suspect was pictured in a blue jacket and black pants making a call on his phone. The SQ believes this is a man between 20 to 50 years of age, weighing 178 pounds and standing at 5 feet and 10 inches.

The first question that comes to mind is; who might have been responsible for the murder. Who might have pulled the plug on Margerie-Blais? And the first answer comes to mind is; the Blood Family Mafia or one of the gangs that are aligned with its views towards 1%er clubs. The fact that this murder almost runs concurrently to an attempted murder on an HAMC member further proves this hypothesis. Police think otherwise. The truth is we will not have an answer in the near future, most likely. Although some events may turn on a dime.