BK Member Handed A 5 Year Sentence: πŸ”’

Most of you were familiar with the big bust that happened over a year ago, which saw several Brothers Keepers go down; most notably one of the highest ranking members in Amandeep Kang.

Click here for original details, but basically investigators had this one in the wraps for quite some time.

“A three-year investigation netted more than 11 kilograms of drugs, including meth, fentanyl and cocaine, as well as drug-making equipment and precursor chemicals used in the production and processing of synthetic drugs, police said Thursday.”

The crown had laid charges on 6 people altogether: Amandeep Singh Kang, a 29-year-old man from Vancouver; and Dylan Robert Ferris, a 22-year-old man from Surrey; have been arrested and remain in custody, police said, whileΒ Moshmem Khanun Khan, a 45-year-old woman from Surrey, was arrested and released from custody. 2 others including Andrew Miguel Best and another female by the name of Jannat were originally deemed to have been on the run, before turning themselves in.

Long story short – this was an investigation that was going to ensure that all of the charged were going to probably be doing time. And thats what we saw about 3 days ago, when a judge sentenced him to a total of 5 years.

Keep in mind that Andrew was one of 2 members who were released on bail with strict conditions. The other, was the alleged ringleader of the operation, known as Aman Kang aka AK.

Andrew was released on a $7200 posted bail, whereas AK had to post a 6 figure amount in order to be released. His bail amount was set at $150k… Goes to show you as to how bad these feds want to keep these big guys in custody.

AK still hasn’t officially gone through trial, and we assume it won’t be looking good.

Click here for the bail details.

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