Rip PK aka Mustafa (new updates below)

It’s getting reckless in Canada and we’re seeing violence stretch out nation-wide, with the most recent homicide coming out of Burnaby. Last night around 11 pm in the 4700-block of Hastings street, Prince Khan or otherwise known as PK was riddled with bullets and pronounced dead at the scene. It was so gruesome that firefighters had to hose the crime-scene down. The streets have reported PK as a member of the Brothers Keepers, as has Kim Bolan on her twitter feed.
We do believe he was associated and connected to several members of the BK gang, but it was alleged that this was a kid that was ultimately trying to get out of the game:

If that was the case, then this marks this homicide as a real unfortunate one; as we don’t tend to see these DBOYS finding ways out of the game, more than we see them finding ways in. It’s tragic and we have seen a fair share of disrespect on social media from multiple enemies, but we also believe that it’s that much more intensified because of the recent death in Sameh Mohammed.

A lot of talk has been circulating in regards to SMAN and PK’s deaths being connected. It’s alleged that the youngster in Prince had set up SMAN after spending a weekend at Toronto’s Rolling Loud, however we really didn’t believe it at first. After hearing the same popular theory from multiple sources, we have decided to investigate further. We have developed an understanding that the DBOY in PK had been aware on SMAN’S exact whereabouts with some even claiming that he had air tagged the vehicle; and therefore he was gunned down in Burnaby as a result. This is still a very far-fetched theory and we will be looking into it more.

Sman was more known to be better represented as apart of the BFR guys and Toronto division, as opposed to being heavily associated to the Brothers Keepers like his brother LM. In fact, SMAN didn’t even have the infamous BK chest tattoo, whereas we all know Certi does:

And here’s a recent picture of SMAN before we return to PK:

In PK’s scenario, he was just known as a low-time runner that operated beneath some well known figures. We’re unsure if he was killed by the UN guys, but if that was the case then the likes of Skidz and his crew seem to be going absolutely ballistic. We have gotten word from some of PK’s family and friends and we do understand that they may have a biased view on the deceased DBOY, however we too believe that this was a kid who was just mixed up in the wrong crowd and ultimately was trying to explore ways out.
He was engaged in a drug line in the province and had just gotten back from Toronto after a viral weekend in Rolling Loud:

He also may be the cousin to Moeen Khan, a member that was close to the Kang group.
This is still unconfirmed.
We’re unsure on Moeen’s status, but this is a picture of him:

We think this throw back clip that we included in our 11 minute Kaunka story (available for subscribers) is very relevant in today’s current gang-war. It all seems to be repeating and bodies are dropping all over the country. Social media and the new youth culture that’s driven by the likes of music and ‘drip’ isn’t helping either.
PK was one of the most genuine and nicest souls you will ever meet. I hope the boss and his cronies rot in Jahannam. Sure he may have had a rough upbringing and met the wrong crowd but he started flipping and changed his life to honesty.
He was nice rguy
Fuck ur brother prince was a real boss your next
Prince khan was a og