Civil Suit Filed Against GangsterismOut

The notorious blogger Ace Ventura has found himself in hot water once again. Known for pushing the limits with his bold claims and controversial posts, he’s no stranger to lawsuits. This time, he’s facing another legal battle that could prove to be one of his toughest yet.

And no – he hasn’t stopped. Everything he releases has something to do with the Sandhers.

Kelowna Family Sues Blogger Behind ‘Gangsterism Out’ for Defamation

A Kelowna family, owners of Sandher Fruit Packers, has filed a civil lawsuit against the man behind the blog Gangsterism Out. The family claims that the blog has published defamatory content about them, damaging their reputation and business. The lawsuit marks the latest chapter in a heated dispute over the blog’s controversial posts.

For some reason, Daryl, also known as Ace, never seems to oblige by the law until the very last moment—whether it’s a civil claim or some other legal trouble. According to the lawsuit, the Sandher family had asked MacAskill to cease and desist from publishing defamatory statements about them, but he refused to comply. That was his first big mistake.

Speaking from experience, our platform has always adhered to every cease and desist we’ve received, and there’s a reason for that. We don’t want to end up in the same position as Gangsterism Out. Our team has only grown over the years, but the thought of losing our website would be devastating. That’s why we always play by the rules.

He truly does have a thing for the Sandhers, either a weird and obsessive one; or he truly knows something that the rest of us don’t.

We’ll let you browse through his website so you can see for yourself why the Sandher family is genuinely concerned. It wasn’t until we came across segments like these, scattered throughout his articles, that the gravity of the situation became clear:

“Gurtaj Sandher displays an inked out tattoo tiger of the Khalistan Tiger Force on his hand. Gurtaj Sandher has a criminal record for assault. On August 27, 2019 at YVR he punched a female Air Canada employee over his lost luggage.”

This has us seriously wondering if the blog has been paid off by the Indian government, because only they could come up with such outrageous allegations. The blog links the Sandher family to terrorism cases, corrupt politicians they’ve never even met, and the list goes on and on. It’s truly insane.

Since being sued by the family’s father and two sons (below), Ace has continued to publish these wild claims without any sign of stopping. T

he situation is escalating quickly, and it’s clear that this saga is far from over.

Sandher Family Requests/Suit Claims:

The suit claims that MacAskill has targeted the Sandher family, “without apparent reason,” since March 2024.

Blog posts on Gangsterism Out and emails circulated by MacAskill contain allegations that the Sandhers are “terrorists, drug dealers, murderers, human traffickers, fraudsters, and serial polluters,” states the lawsuit.

“The posts and emails are rife with racist, homophobic, threatening, menacing and obscene language and accusations that have no basis in reality and which are clearly intended to abuse and demean.”

In addition to the lawsuit – in which the Sandhers are requesting payment for damages caused by the defamation and emotional damage, he has caused – the family has also filed an application for an injunction to restrain MacAskill from “carrying out his campaign of defamation and harassment against the Plaintiffs,” until a decision is made on the case. 

Payday might be coming for the family – or an extinction of Ace Ventura’s blog.

In the past decade ‘Gangsterism Out’ has published blog posts about other people and businesses and as a result, MacAskill has been named as the defendant in numerous lawsuits and has been subject to multiple injunctions ordered by the Supreme Court of BC.

Ace’s blog wasn’t the only one that had faced scrutiny. Dennis Watson also found himself in hot water, though he wasn’t exactly thinking things through when he started harassing a Hells Angels member.

“Career gangster Donald Bryce Lyons, 52, was killed June 15, 2024. The longtime and a founding member of the Independent Soldiers was found murdered on a property near Princeton. Key suspects in the slaying are brothers Prabtaj Singh Sandher and Gurtaj Singh Sandher.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

This guy just add’s the Sandher name to the end of each sentence. Truly comical.

We got one of our creators working on a detailed masterpiece on Donald Lyons.


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