Erickson Angibeau: Montreal South Shore Area Pimp Convicted

Pimps portrayed in movies are usually draped in a fur coat, alway walk with a cane and a limp, and have a ‘cool’ attitude. This is far from reality of a pimp from the real word. There’s a lot more to it than dressing fly and acting slick. It usually requires a very manipulative attitude, getting young, or either innocent girls to do their dirty work for them. Using up all their potential in the attempt to receive monetary gain. It is not a victimless crime, but can lead to worse outcomes depending the person heading the operation. In the current news, where Erickson Angibeau was convicted for pimping, they refer to the women who was under his command, as a victim.

Erickson Angibeau, 32, was present in the Longueuil Courthouse today, to be found guilty of pimping and creating ads solicitating sexual services from a 28 year old woman of which he was found guilty of pimping out.

Erickson Angibeau

The journey, that would take Angibeau and the 28 year old women across the provinces of Ontario and Quebec started off in 2020. Angibeau had just gotten released from prison, one night he had frequented the 28 year old woman, in which he had previously known. Erickson Angibeau would then blame her for the time which he had spent in jail, gaslighting her right back in the world of pimping.

Guilt tripping her back into it, the duo would then travel around the provinces of Quebec, and going all the way up the 401 West, heading to Toronto. The duo would stop at certain towns along the way, such as Belleville, Kingston, Oshawa and ultimately Toronto, to solicitate sexual services of the 28 year old woman that Angibeau would eventually turn into his victim.

Erickson Angibeau

The lady recalled Angibeau would create the online ads, as well as fix the price and decide how many hook-ups she would be doing throughout that day. They would stay at hotel to hotel while staying in the designated town. Some days, she would frequent up to 10 clients, netting them a profit of 1000$ to 3000$ a day.

Judge Benoit Gariepy had no reservations to point out that the women who was being used for prostitution seemed to be exaggerating. He recalls a fight the duo had, in which resulted in her stabbing Angibeau with a pair of scissors.

Johanne Gagne, 42

Another woman, Johanne Gagne, 42, who was the prostitutes friend and neighbor, was also arrested but later acquitted. Authorities suspected her to play a part in pressuring the victim. Many presents had also been gifted to this neighbor, bought with the proceeds of the sexual services the victim would be involved in. In a turn of events, Gagne had also signaled to police that there had been domestic abuse taking place in the residence.

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