News in general sometimes consist of a follow-up, especially in crime; If there’s a homicide, it is very rare that the killers are caught red-handed. Hence, the initial event, followed by an investigation which can pin-point a suspect, or suspects. In this case, only a couple months have passed since the initial homicide. Least to say, police have arrested 3 suspects in the G-Fetty/Saint-Michel double homicide which had happened a couple months back on the 19th of July.
Guy Love ‘G Fetty’ Jolicoeur and Peter Dave Alisme, 34 and 33 at the time of their death, had been shot down in cold blood in the wee-hours of the 19th of July, 2024. A Friday morning. The shooting took place on 25th Avenue near the intersection of Boulevard Robert. From what we gathered at the time, we believed this was a case of gang ‘scoring’, a practice in which rival gangs scout the opposition’s neighborhood and blindly open fire on individuals who they believe are their enemies.

These victims weren’t gang members, but rather individuals who had been hanging around the ’25east’ street gang, being presumptuously mistaken for certified members. ‘G Fetty’ Jolicoeur had no past criminal charges, only being victim to an armed assault in 2019. Alisme had a past charge in 2010’s for assault, uttering death threats and breaching his parole but since then seems to have been rehabilitated.
All-in-all, three suspects were arrested last Thursday (12/09/2024) in which two of them were accused of the double homicide. The oldest, being 21-years-old was Ali Kirisikoglu, who has played a part in the recent uptake of vehicle thefts on the eastern side of the country. An unnamed 18-year-old was also a suspect, but was not accused of the double homicide. The last suspect consisted of a 15-year-old teenager who remains unnamed due to his age. He was the second suspect accused of the double homicide.
It makes you think, whether the youngin’ actually pulled the trigger or not, what kind of people would drag a minor into homicide? We’ve seen it with the shooter of Stevens ‘No Chance’ Cantave, a 16-year-old who was apprehended in Kitchener, Ontario and accused of the homicide which took place in February. It is hard to imagine that these minors are calling the shots and ordering hits on 30-40 year old’s. The fact is that they are most likely being groomed into the crime in hopes of reaching higher ranks. Unknowingly setting a path in their lives which may take a couple decades to surpass.

Only a couple of months earlier, Ali Kirisikoglu was apprehended by York Regional Police in Ontario for a vehicle theft that had taken place March, 4th, 2024. The incident had taken place towards 3:30am, when near-by residents phoned police to voice a complaint about a stolen Ford F-150 truck. Police had then managed to spot the F-150 travelling southbound on Leslie Avenue. Following the truck was a light-colored Audi.

A chase had taken suite, with the F-150 evading the heat and eventually escaping the sirens. There were presumed to be 2 individuals in the F-150. But the Audi, following closely behind the F-150 was not so lucky. It crashed into a tree in the residential neighborhood of Copper Hills in Newmarket. Police quickly apprehended the driver and passenger which were in the sedan, searching the vehicle and seizing a laptop with multiple tools intended for vehicle theft. The two suspects were 31-year-old Mathieu Authier and 20-year-old Ali Kirisikoglu.
Kirisikoglu was already behind bars when authorities had accused him of the double homicide, being held at Montreal’s famed Bordeaux prison. His past matches up to the attempted vehicle theft in which he had played a part in Newmarket.
In October of 2023, he was implicated in a Toronto vehicle theft-ring along with another Quebecker. Kirisikoglu and another Quebec resident, 26-year-old Nicolas St-Jean-Lamothe, had been pinched after two warehouses were discovered by police containing 25 stolen vehicles. One of the warehouses was located in Orangeville, Ontario while the other was in an industrial sector located in Toronto. The warrant that had led to their arrest had been grace to a previous one, set about at a residential home in Oakville in which police arrested the two first suspects that had led them to the two Quebeckers.
Very few people die a gangster, from natural causes. We all know, if you pledge to live by the gun, you better be ready to die by it. Those who get past it and still lead to choose that lifestyle, usually grew up in it, or prosper in it, being well-accustomed. Crime in Canada is taking a turn, those who are committing it are getting younger and younger and the amount of crime is reaching peak levels. As Canada grows, Toronto and Montreal are more reminiscent of ’70’s and ’80’s New York City. Shootings by the mass, stabbings at every turn of the block, arsons left and right and to top it all off, we’ve got people that wake up with a hit of crack and go to sleep with a shot of fentanyl. All inclusive.