Jack Simpson: New 82-Year-Old HAMC Prospect’s Heavy Criminal Past & Bikers Ousted Of Their Frampton Clubhouse

The Trois-Rivieres chapter's newest prospect is an 82-year-old man by the name of Jack Simpson. It might seem odd at first, but his criminal track record proves exactly why. Being handed 30+ years in prison and serving a hefty fraction of it, Simpson seems to know exactly what he's doing.

The Red Devils MC clubhouse has faced an onslaught of scrutiny from street gang members in the past year, with the most recent occurrence happening in September when a 14-year-old EGK (Everybody Gets Killed) member by the name of Mohamed-Yanis Seghouani, mysteriously died in the clubhouse after trying to ambush and set fire to the place. The circumstances of Seghouani’s death are still unknown. After the homicide, the SQ set up a commanding post in Frampton, where the clubhouse is located.

A car torched on September 16th, 2024.

It’s important to note the Red Devils clubhouse also serves as the Hells Angels Quebec City chapter’s clubhouse, located on 2nd Rang in Frampton. This week, the occupants of the clubhouse were ousted and the property was seized and deemed to be a ‘place of criminality’. The Trois-Rivieres chapter of the famed motorcycle club also saw an unlikely prospect join the club, with ties to a high-ranking mafia associate, Raynald Desjardins.

Bikers Ousted From Their Own Clubhouse

It’s no secret that the Red Devils MC is facing flak from authorities after the murder of a 14-year-old EGK gang member took place in their clubhouse. SQ (Quebec Provincial Police) had set up shop in Frampton to keep a close eye on the 1%ers. This week, a judge issued a notice of eviction, blocking any individual who might have access to the clubhouse and 5 other buildings which are an extension of the clubhouse.

RDMC Frampton clubhouse.
SQ commanding post in Frampton.

The 15th of September is when 14-year-old EGK member, Mohamed-Yanis Seghouani, died in the clubhouse but this wasn’t the first time it was targeted in hopes of setting flames to it. Earlier this year, during the HAMC first bike run of the year back in May, a shootout occurred when 2 BFM affiliates broke into the clubhouse only to find 2 Red Devils MC prospects guarding the place, a prospect was shot, although there were no deaths.

Mohamed-Yanis Seghouani

The clubhouse was also victim to a raid on the 4th of October, 2023 in a police operation which targeted illegal firearms. Both firearms and ammunition were seized during the warrant. The current eviction and seizure of the properties are due to an ongoing investigation in relation to firearms, but might as well be due to the September 15th incident.

Jack Simpson: 82-Year-Old HAMC Prospect

At the age of 82, you’d think an elderly man might want to settle down. Not for Jack Simpson, who might go down as the oldest individual to prospect for the Hells Angels MC. Keep in mind, Simpson is no stranger to crime, and we don’t mean selling dimebags here and there, but rather being implicated in the murder of a reputed mafioso.

Jack Arthur Simpson

Last Saturday (5/10/2024) a party was held at the Herouxville Hells Angels clubhouse, celebrating the club’s last bike run of the year. Jack Simpson was handed down his bottom rocker and wearing it with pride that night. ‘Trois-Rivieres’ was portrayed on an empty biker vest in an HAMC style font, securing his foot in the door of the Trois-Rivieres chapter. Simpson is an anomaly, at 82, you have to wonder whether his entrance into the MC was something he wanted to cross off his bucket list, or is there more to it? Why would an 82-year-old man want to join a 1%er club in the midst of a drug war?

HAMC Herouxville clubhouse

Who is Jack Simpson? For one, he is a close associate of Raynald Desjardins, a higher-up in the criminal underworld of Montreal. He was also involved in three major crimes throughout his lifetime. He had first gotten caught in New York with a substantial amount of heroin destined for the Montreal mafia in the late ’80’s. He was sentenced to 11 years.

Raynald Desjardins (left)

Simpson was involved in the transportation of 300 kilograms of cocaine when he was caught and faced trial in California. He was arrested in Anaheim, California in 1996, caught red-handed loading a plane with cocaine with two other men. The plane had been destined for New York. Throughout this whole kerfuffle he was handed a 16 year sentence in 2000, to serve in a Canadian prison where he met Raynald Desjardins.

Jack Simpson in a California court, era 1997.
Raynald Desjardins in prison.

Simpson had many meetings with the parole board throughout 2005 to 2007. Seeing his mother and even his wife succumb to an illness, he was determined to get out of prison. Trying to convince the board to gain full parole. After many attempts, portraying ambitious business plans to the board. He was finally released in May of 2007. As the following years developed, Simpson declared bankruptcy, which is when he started working for a portable toilet company in August of 2010.

His old prison contacts would never dissipate, as he kept close contact with Raynald Desjardins. Together, Desjardins and Simpson had conspired to take out Salvatore ‘Sal The Iron Worker’ Montagna, in which it is believed that Simpson was the gunman behind the hit. It’s important to note that Desjardins was the victim of an attempted murder on the 16th of September, 2011. This sparked his urge to kill Sal Montagna.

The window Montagna burst through.

Desjardins had set-up a meeting with Montagna towards 9:30am, on the 24th of November, to settle a dispute. Shortly after, Simpson had managed to lure the high-ranking mafioso to his house in Ile Vaudry, a town in the Charlemagne region of the province. He picked Montagna up at the Langelier metro station in Montreal half an hour after his meeting with Desjardins. While in Simpson’s house three shots from a .357 magnum had rung out, hitting Montagna.

Montagna then burst through a window and headed to a nearby river, where he eventually bled out and died. Neighbors had phoned the police after hearing gunshots. Simpson had rushed to Ottawa with a getaway plan of fleeing to Mexico, but was rather apprehended four days after the murder. He pled guilty to the murder and was handed a sentence of 10 years.

Paramedics attempting to bring Sal Montangna back to life.

Raynald Desjardins was granted parole for his implication in the Montagna murder in the winter of 2023 after serving years and years in prison. At 71-years-old, it is unknown if Desjardins will decide to dirty his hands in the criminal underworld once again. One thing is for sure, after serving 3 hefty sentences in prison throughout the past 4 decades, Simpson is not done with the underworld. Even at 82. You could say the man has a passion for crime, and there is no doubt about it.

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