RCMP say the victim of Friday afternoon’s carefully executed attack in a hamlet just outside Calgary was well-known gangster Trong Minh Nguyen. – CTV FINALLY PUBLISHED AN ARTICLE!
The 38-year-old was identified as a leader of the FOB (Fresh Off the Boat) gang that feuded with the FOB Killers in a violent turf war that claimed at least 25 lives in the Calgary area over the years dating back to the early 2000’s.
????BREAKING NEWS???? – *updates below*
We promised that we would start to dissect and introduce more of these Asian gangsters that have been dominating Canada’s drug trade for a very long time. And it couldn’t have started any better, as we just got hit with some crazy news out of YYC.
The video footage you all came to see of Trong getting smoked in his driveway is attached below ⬇️⬇️⬇️:

Last night was probably one of the most significant in Alberta’s gang war, as the leader of FOB (rivals to FK) in Trong Nguyen was shot dead last night. He has a heavy association to gangs in BC and it’s a given that this is going to spark some massive retaliation.
This is a big time hit – with a lot more information to come in the next few hours/days.

The following footage contains scenes of graphic violence and viewer discretion is strongly advised.
As always – we got the exclusives and this is CCTV footage of Truong getting gunned down in his driveway.
P.S – Not even sure how we was supposed to defend himself with an attack set-up like this. It’s confirmed that he really was wanted bad, and it was allegedly a figure close to 7 figures that was on his head.

Update 1:
We will be releasing a character profile that’s pretty detailed and explains the life of Truong. This was a guy who built his stripes and has been in the frontlines of the peak years in FOB VS FK’s gang-war that had ultimately crippled the streets of Alberta.
He’s definitely a veteran in this gang life and here’s a few of his past experiences and run-ins with police:

Releasing our character profile on the late/great Trong Nguyen today!
Here’s a teaser:
We will continuously speak out against gang violence across Canada, and will focus more on the Asian gangsters that have been in dominance for so long. Rest up Truong – no man deserves to go out like that.
Justice is on the way.
Update 3:
-trong had allegedly made an effort to get himself out of the gang-life (potential set-up from own gang)
-cp out in few hours !!! GET READY
-he was not the leader (more will be explained)
That’s just wild
Bro this is wild ….you got it on point first to report ak on top great read brother keep them posts coming if you ain’t subbed you lacking
love u bro appreciate it
Did someone in the house shoot at them?
no.. seems like the hitters had him mapped out for a while with the tracker they removed from under the rear-end of the vehicle.
Why would the family release this video? This is totally from their driveway camera.
not too sure but they allegedly want us to take it down
Do NOT take this down. The video shows there is some sort of cooperation with the killers.
Notice he throws an object towards the truck. The truck slows down and the guy grabs whatever this item is. Not random at all.
It needs to be reported to rcmp because they have released video evidence for what is an ACTIVE investigation.
wow wtf!! not sure if a lot of people caught that.. we sure missed it. good eye
Woah, I saw the object get thrown but didn’t realize he picked it up. The family clearly released this video.
Yo take this shit down. This my fam and y’all know nothing about what happened. Even your speculations are off. This not even disrespectful af but a hindrance to the investigation
Your family knowingly moved someone into the neighborhood that had a 7figurr bounty on his head…pi think people deserve to know who their neighbours are.
Mind sharing how your families CCTV footage got on the internet?
Investigation? It was the rival gang. Probably the guy who the victim was trying to murder for years..
Yes he throws something but they clearly didn’t pick it up
Disrespect is bringing a gang member into our community.
Sell your house and do the entire community a favour.
ya goof you kno nothing. if it was your fam you would want it taken down too. cant leave town when crown tells you gotta stay put in 1 place for year no matter how appeals you put in. anyhow, watch yourself AK
Nah, she made the choice to let him live with her. A guy with a bit out in his head, across from a playground.
This girl who ran out of her car I know here, they sent it to a couple of people and it got out, this girl is still alive but her and her family are now hiding because they’re address got leaked and possibly the gang could be coming for them as they are key witnesses
Pleas take this down
as always – if we get a request from the family we will definitely take it down. we didn’t receive anything yet except for comments from anon accounts.
what is this song lol its fire
Duvys newest song
looks like his hommies started busting back or something, guy with the draco seems to get hit and duck for cover, the handgun guy starts bucking at the home
He’s grabbing gps
That’s not a Draco
Don’t be intimated and don’t take this video down this video shows the true consequences of being a gangster infact should be made public even
Appreciate you bro
Nobody is pointing out some obvious oddities.
1. The victims family or what appear to be body guards are all wearing gloves of some sort when they come out of the house. Amazing coincidence?
2. It’s almost as if the victim possibly knew the primary shooter. Would your first instinct not be to floor the gas pedal either forward or backward to get the hell out of there while aiming for your attackers?
3. It’s very obvious an item was thrown at the killer in a plastic bag. The video resolution isn’t sufficient. It’s very likely there was cooperation between more than one person.
Lastly, if you are not familiar.
The female victim she has operated a nail salon in her home for years. Every single customer can tell you going back to 2014 the home had security cameras all over with a room where all the security feeds were kept.
The unfortunate part mistakes were made informing the public this person was in Langdon and not either Chestermere or Strathmore. This easily could have killed by standards had the victim had the opportunity to fire back.
I’m also at a loss for why the victim was transported by stars air ambulance for injuries that appear relatively minor according to posts made by the victim. They don’t even all stars air ambulance if you are having a stroke or heart attack out there in Langdon but in this case stars is there.
As others can report as well. RCMP response times were absolutely brutal. There were no sirens heard for several minutes after. These small towns are basically the perfect front for gang members as they can run legitimate businesses as a drug front and have limited police obstructing their business.
I’m just saying this entire thing screams inside job.
Are you stupid? Inside job not even close dummy all your arguments are pure speculation you don’t know shit just like the rest of the squares commenting on this bull shit blog
There is no speculation how many people running a nail salon from their home need a dozen security cameras the answer is none. It is the perfect front to be cleaning drug money.
Halal he’s dead, hopefully more dread gangsters hahaha
he made an attempt to get out of the gang life? Yeah, once you’re planning attempts on a rival’s life, you are never going to be out of the gang life. It was still a stupid choice to bring him to her home, regardless of if he suddenly has regard for human lives.
What makes no sense he lived with his family in BC while on house arrest so why was it different this time.
Not sure where we are crossing wires. I’m saying it’s hard to get out of the gang life when you’ve been trying to murder a rival, for years. I’m saying that even if he was trying to reform himself, it’s still dangerous to have him in your home.
If he was at her house in Langdon prior to 2022, that’s just as annoying, honestly. The sister is clearly not as innocent as a lot of people want to believe.
Really it’s not. Only what people don’t get one day you will turn 60-70-80-90 years old. You are telling me people are still gangsters in their 80s and 90s?
The problem with getting out is you almost always still have significant ties to the gang.
Even worse you’ve gotten accustomed to east money versus working a 40+ hour a week job. Easy money is hard to say no to.
There is a reason it’s hard to stop selling drugs or or trafficking both females and males for the purposes of sexual acts. It’s good money and easy money.
When you are deep enough to be plotting on someone’s life, multiple times, then yes, it is very hard to simply walk away from the gang life. How many big time gangsters can you name that are 70,80,90 years old?
It’s very common.
Sonny Barger and friends. Many hells angels angels 60-90.
Most gang members actually aren’t murdering people. If you’re at the level where you’re repeatedly trying to kill someone, then you’re at a level where you can’t just walk out.
Think again. Until merger of gangs in Canada we had significant violence. Competing gangs merged under the hells angels.
Violence is common where gangs don’t show respect to each other.
Anyone know why the female shot was also known to cops? Allegedly people have found bags of drugs, accidentally dropped, very close to this house and many times over the years.
Known as it’s likely she was associated with them in the late 1990s before the split.
As for drugs there are at least 3 others on the same street who are growing and selling weed from their own house.
Langdon as a town has 4 liquor stores, 2 pharmacies, 2 vape shops, one weed store and god knows how many growing and selling from their own house.
It’s either coke or fentanyl that was found, never weed. and if it’s so easy to leave the gang life, why does she have 12 CCTV cameras over 22 years later??
Gangs are very much still into grow houses specifically Asian gangs.
Fentanyl is also not the big drug any more. Most are moving carfentanil.
The guy with the AR seems to get hit maybe by a ricochet he seems to flinch while still behind the black truck, few days later “man shot in the leg” in taradale while nobody in the area heard or reported gunshots