Marauders MC Members Targeted In Drug Investigation

A member of the Marauders MC was nicked by police in relation to drug trafficking happening on the south shore of Montreal. These are the fruits of the events which played out throughout this investigation.

Marauders MC is the name of a 1% biker club located throughout Montreal. To their dismay, they’ve been more and more prevalent throughout local news headlines these past recent years. One notable criminal who joined their ranks consists of Jean-Philippe Celestin. A man who joined shortly after his brother was gunned down and shot nearly 30 times exiting Elio’s Ristorante, a killing which had been rumored to be a case of mistaken identity.

The curious part of Celestin joining the club lies in the fact that he’s not a motorcycle guy. Some even say that the MC had bent the rules a little letting Celestin ride a three-wheel Harley Davidson in order to accommodate him. It goes without saying that the Marauders MC is a support club for the Hells Angels MC.

Jean-Philippe Celestin with his newly acquired Marauders MC patch.

The leader of the Marauders MC is alleged to be David Castelli, a 53-year-old man who once headed the Devil’s Ghosts MC, another known support club for the HAMC in Quebec. What makes Castelli an important figure in the biker world is the fact that he helped the support club set foot on the West Island of Montreal, a territory which bikers had never managed to plant a flag in its soil. Neither Celestin or Castelli are the highlights of today’s story, but rather an underling and associate to the Marauders MC which managed to sell drugs to an undercover cop. 22 times.

David Castelli
Devil’s Ghosts MC patch.

The two main suspects in this case are Carl St-Louis, a 31-year-old Marauders member, along with Kevin ‘Big’ Mageren-Chretien, a 33-year-old associate of the club. These are the 2 suspects we will focus on although four other suspects were arrested in the police roundup. This police operation was the result of many events, the first being intel delivered to police on how Mageren-Chretien was buying his drugs off of Carl St-Louis. This dates back to March of 2021. Authorities deemed this was the perfect entry to gain information on how prevalent the Marauders MC was on the South Shore of Montreal.

Marauders MC, Carl St-Louis (Far right).

Police started their investigation and found themselves repeatedly surveilling members at two different locations. In the business headquarters of transport hangars located in McMasterville and in Varennes. They had also planted a GPS tracking device under Mageren-Chretien’s automobile letting them track the man’s every move. All-the-while tracking and surveilling several suspects, they had sent an undercover agent out in the streets with the task to buy drugs off of the dealers. A task that would succeed 22 times.

Carl St-Louis, Marauders MC

The clubhouse of this Marauder’s MC clubhouse would be located in one of these two locations previously mentioned. The typical biker clubhouse managed to stand out even more with the fact that it is located smack-dab right in the middle of a warehouse. The ‘clubhouse’ was equipped with a bar, a gym and a TV, overlooking the place was a 70th anniversary map of all Hells Angels MC chapters throughout the whole wide world.

Marauders MC clubhouse.
HAMC motorcycle world in Marauders MC clubhouse.

The arrests in question were made after many search and seizures in relation to this investigation. Authorities happened to find a wee-bit of crack in Mageren-Chretien’s vehicle as well as 10,730$ in cash and a handful of cellphones in his home. 33,000$ and five cellphones as well as a Marauders patch and Support 81 gear were found in Carl St-Louis’ residence. Five kilograms of cocaine was found in a tow-truck throughout a seizure of this investigation. A 9mm pistol as well as 50,000 amphetamine tablets and 7350 caffeine tablets were also found supplementary to the cocaine.

The kilos found in the tow-truck compartment.
Amphetamine tablets found by authorities.

Was this a slip-up on Mageren-Chretien’s side or should the undercover agent had been vetted a bit more by the suspects involved in the case. How big are the Marauder’s in relation to other HAMC support clubs. It’s no doubt that we’ve heard of the Red Devils MC being prominent to the east of the province and the Devil’s Ghost being sprinkled a little throughout the province, but where do the Marauders MC stand?

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