The Truth Behind Chris Sky:

Christopher Saccoccia, widely referred to as Chris Sky, is a conspiracy theorist based out of Canada who ultimately came to prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the height and peak of the virus, Chris was followed by hundreds of thousands who actively engaged in his anti-mask, anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine movements and everything else the Ontario man stands for. What was once as big as Andrew Tate, Sky’s social platforms are now relatively dying; as the 39 year old has yet to reach his previous numbers in followers (250k+). He’s now struggling to get himself over 5000 followers, which says a lot about the momentum that once looked unstoppable.

It turns out that everything he stood for, from being anti-vaccinated to anti-racist; was all a hoax, as it all came to light in recent months, especially yesterday night. In regards to him being vaccinated; this was presented to the public months ago and has taken a huge toll on Chris’ social image. Long story short, a nurse basically exposed him for getting vaccinated under the pressure of his multi-millionaire father.


In case you don’t want to click on the link and read what the nurse wrote:

“A few weeks back I had a gentleman come in for his SECOND shot. Second is in capitals for a reason. He was very adamant that the vaccine was “deadly” (his words), and that it was being forced upon him. I very clearly let him know he absolutely did not have to have this shot. He went on about how the government was forcing him and his dad was forcing him. I just assumed he needed it for his employment and his father was his boss. I didn’t ask questions though. I just let him rant. He then kept asking about his medical information being private and I assured him it was. Not to mention that I was sure that nobody cared about him being vaccinated to which he replied “Thousands will care if they find out”. He was very dramatic and trying hard to pique my interest. I didn’t have time to engage in this stupid game. So I told him he would either have to get jabbed or leave as there were others waiting. He was a very unforgettable character.

Fast forward a few weeks later (now). A good friend was texting me all these silly anti-vaxxer videos on the social media Tic Tox. Low and behold there is the guy that I inoculated. LEADING AN ANTI VACCINATION “rally”. It wasn’t really a rally but that’s how I will describe it for now. The rest of the evening I watched him. He uses a pseudonym but it was 100% him. Not only does he claim he is anti vaccine, but he actually shames others for getting vaccinated. The things he says are quite honestly, vile. And he seems to have a fairly large following. My friend told me he was the most well known anti-vaxxer in Canada. Maybe he is or maybe he isn’t. All I know is that he is double vaccinated and I was the one who administered the second shot.”


Obviously, he has denied all allegations and has continued to try to get his platform the spark he once had. This is somebody who’s built a platform that’s based solely on getting others to engage in his conspiracies against the COVID-19 pandemic, to the extent of refusing to get the vaccination. Everyone has their own beliefs regarding the virus as do we, but you shouldn’t be manipulated by an individual who doesn’t even stand by his own messages.

His father is ridiculously wealthy and is the owner of Sky Homes – with Chris at one point holding the CEO position. A lot of people don’t understand in why he would practically give up his perfectly-made life, for one that has negatively impacted his family and his image through the media. His company has realized the spotlight Chris has received and has ultimately denounced it, in terms of stating that his messages have no involvement within the company.


He was probably fed up with being under the shadow of his father, and for some reason envied the fact that everything was set up for him to succeed. Sooner or later, he’s going to have to give it up and fall back onto his dad’s wealth. Especially with his recent racist rants towards well-known Toronto rap-star known as WHYG35.

It all started at Gallery nightclub when the rapper spotted Chris in his booth/section, and proceeded by asking him for a picture/video. This is what he posted:

There was no bad-blood that was seen or heard on the story, but for some reason – Chris didn’t seem to enjoy the responses the video was receiving. You can watch the video of Chris responding to the story that the rapper had posted, on his IG feed.

The viral media outlet in keep6ixsolid had scheduled a clubhouse session that involved the likes of Sky and several rappers that included WHYG. Things got heated after 35 decided to question the viral sensation on why he ‘ranted’ about him.

Chris in particular was facing backlash from a lot of people after he referred to the rapper as a “black bitch”.

Podcast host friday was one of the individuals that was heated after hearing Sky speak like that. He mentions that Sky wouldn’t hesitate to call someone the ‘n-word’ if they really stepped on his toes.

He even denies getting veneers done on his teeth. ???????????? SKY IS A TOTAL IMPOSTER ????

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2 years ago

This guy has been a goof since day 1

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