Brothers Keepers Set Profile #2:

Part A: 7:19 minute video ????: ⬇️

Part B: Oct.2 For Free Users (Tonight For Subs):

Part C: Tomorrow for Subs, Oct. 4th for Free members):

We will be releasing the write-up to the BK set sequel after all 3 parts are made public. After losing our instagram platforms and access, we will only be focusing on our website – so we really do need the support from all of you guys in sharing the blog/stories/visuals. We promise nothing but quality from here on out! Let us know what we can do better, and we already have some video editors that will be working on us for upcoming projects.

Lets get to 1000 subs for October – we’re so close we keep fluctuating around the 800-900 mark.

VOTD and FOTW will be released sometime after midnight.

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