Tensions rose last November, when an associate to the Hells Angels MC was shot in Charlesbourg. Many suspect the murder could escalate to a full-out gang war between the Hells Angels and a street gang hailing from Lévis, a town in the south shore of Quebec City. Many say it has already started. The street gang is called the Blood Family Mafia (BFM), a name reminiscent of the Black Mafia Family, also dubbed BMF, another street gang from Atlanta, Georgia that was involved in major drug trafficking throughout the states.
Many incidents that occurred in the city of Quebec last year are related to independent dealers in the city and neighboring town on the south shore. The conflict stemmed concerning a street tax that the Hells Angels MC are pressing independent dealers for. A 10% tax due to the Hells Angels on all drug dealings from independent dealers and street gangs throughout the city. In the province of Quebec, the Hells Angels rule every square inch with an iron fist. Saying “no” to their demands will run you the risk of having a series of unfortunate events happen to you. Whether it be having your business burnt to the ground, a beating of your lifetime or even having gunshots fired at your house.
That didn’t prevent some individuals from setting their sights on the powerhouse that is the Hells Angels. In March of 2023, Hells Angels member Mathieu Pelletier’s residence was shot at. Then there was Dark Souls MC member and rapper Dominic ‘Fou Furieux’ Simard’s car that was set on fire. Finally, there was 2 businesses in Beauce, around an hour from Quebec City, that were burnt to the ground. Both businesses were related to the Hells Angels.

The pivotal moment happened in the early morning at around 6am on November 27th, 2023 in the Charlesbourg sector of Quebec City. Michel ‘Doune’ Guerin, 57, was shovelling his entrance-way when an unknown assailant appeared and fired multiple shots into Guerin, fleeing the scene afterwards. Neighbours of Guerin were take aback, noting that Guerin lived a normal life from day to day.

Guerin had skeletons in the closet. Throughout the late 1980’s and 1990’s, he was the president of the Mercenaires MC, a motorcycle club with close ties to the Hells Angels. In addition to being president of the Mercenaires, he was a key player in the importation of cocaine in Quebec City. From 1988 to 1994 he was in and out of jail, notably, twice for possession of an illegal firearm. Police linked his name to drug trafficking that went on in the area.
In May of 1994, he battled an extradition request to the United States for importation of drugs from the United States, he served 32 months in a Quebec prison with much of that time being spent in isolation.

In March of 1995, Guerin plotted to escape. He planned the escape with Alain ‘Lulu’ Leclerc, an ex-Mercenaires MC member and Hells Angels associate. In the end, the plan was aborted and resulted in Leclerc being convicted. Leclerc’s name might ring bells, we had mentioned him in a recent story about hitman Gerald Gallant. Leclerc fell victim to Gallant and was killed with 3 bullets to the head in 1997, in an Ashton poutinerie located in Charlesbourg.

Since he was fighting an extradition request, prison personnel feared that he would attack other inmates in hopes of avoiding extradition. This is the reason he spent so much of his time in isolation. The judge caught wind of this and put an end to Guerin’s isolation. Even though a judge pitied him when he was put in isolation unfairly, Doune’s extradition request was shot down by the Court Of Appeal. In January of 1997 he would be tried for conspiracy to traffic drugs and sentenced to 10 years in an American prison for conspiring a plot to import 2 kilograms of cocaine. He was freed in 2003.

Once he was free, Guerin went straight back to work, conspiring ways to get cocaine across the border. He didn’t last long doing this, as he was arrested in February of 2005, in a police operation aimed to tackling drug trafficking in Quebec City. The project was named ‘Operation Despote’ (Operation Despite) and required at least 450 police officers involved, arresting more than 30 people involved in Quebec City and Montreal.

Guerin was the head of the operation, deeming him a kingpin in the city of Quebec. Authorities witnessed at least 8 deliveries of cocaine which totaled in 88 kilograms throughout six months. Police estimated that when cut, the cocaine would yield in around 13 million dollars on the street. Once ‘Operation Despote’ ended and Guerin’s day in court took place, he would be sentenced to 8 years and 7 months. But that wasn’t all, Revenue Quebec requested 1.3 million from Guerin for legal taxes and took mortgages on buildings involved.

While locked up, Guerin eventually worked his way into volunteering in humanitarian projects. He convinced the Parole Board of Canada to grant him to semi-freedom, they exclaimed that Guerin had set out to have a “Completely different behavior” while incarcerated. His semi-freedom was revoked 2 years later for taking advantage of the system and pushing his limits to what he could and couldn’t do.

Guerin was eventually freed through the course of the 2010’s. He appeared in the news for one last time, while still alive, in May of 2022. He owned a gym by the name of l’Univers Gym Fitness and when the COVID-19 pandemic hit he was refused monetary aid from the government due to his criminal past. He claimed the city was acting in bad faith.

After his release, his relationship with the Hells Angels hadn’t simmered down one bit. He acted as a tax collector for the Hells Angels Quebec City chapter, collecting the famous 10% tax for the HA Quebec City. This job would eventually lead to his death when a street gang leader by the name of Dave ‘Pic” Turmel decided he should keep 100% of the profit that he makes and get his supply. So who is Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel?
Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel is the leader of the BFM (Blood Family Mafia), a street gang in Quebec who opts to represent themselves with the color red, hence the term blood. Even though he is the leader of a Blood-style gang, Turmel is white. He took a brazen stance in 2023 when refused to pay the Quebec City Hells Angels their 10% tax. The tax being collected by Guerin. This is the first time this has happened in the history of Quebec since the Quebec Biker War ended in 2002. With the Rock Machine MC dissolving and assimilating to the Bandidos MC after the biker war, those events led way to the Hells Angels conquering more territory and imposing their own standards in the criminal world.

Turmel and the Blood Family Mafia and associates were target to ‘Projet MALSAIN’. In December of 2023, Projet MALSAIN successfully tackled a drug and firearm seizure in the Sainte-Foy borough of Quebec City. A 41 year old man named William Robitaille was also arrested while executing the search warrant. The police had found a loaded .12 guage shotgun with multiple shells and also ammunition for a .9mm. They also found 15 grams of hash, along with 15 grams of cocaine. 1000$ was also found along with drug dealing paraphernalia.
In October, two Red Devils MC members, Ian Roy, 29, and 32 year old Jonathan Bergeron-Gosselin had been stabbed by Quebec City affiliated street gang members. The Red Devils are a HA support club. It is also said the Dave Turmel and the Blood Family Mafia have ties with the Profit Boys, a Montreal street gang hailing from the Rivieres-des-Prairies borough. The Profit Boys are also in a gang conflict with Montreal Nord’s Zone 43, who are represented by the color red while the Profit Boys opt for green.

Another bust as a result of Projet Malsain came in July of 2023. 7 individuals were arrested as a result of this operation. Some include; Julien Bouchard, 29, Daniel Dupre, 60, Steve Poissant, 34, and Francois Picard, 30. There was also two women aged 26 and 62 arrested along with a 21 year old man who were liberated with a promise to show up to court. All seven individuals arrested were charged with drug trafficking, conspiracy to traffic drugs, along with possession of prohibited firearms.

Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel and Roobens Denis, 31, were also targeted during this take down but were nowhere to be found. Both had decided to go on the lam and evade authorities. To this day, they still haven’t been found yet, but with the murder of Michel Guerin, and the Hells Angels aiming their sites on Turmel. We can bet that Turmel has no intentions on being found.

The Hells Angels side of the conflict is also interesting. The Quebec City chapter was found in May of 1988, they celebrated their 35th anniversary May of last year. Unlike most Hells Angels chapters, the one in Quebec City functions more reminiscent of a mafia family instead of an MC. It is the only chapter out of the 5 HA chapters in the province of Quebec, to have so many members related to each other. Whether it be actual brothers, father and son duos, or even uncle and nephew, the Quebec City chapter currently has 16 members.

The family ties start with ex-president Marc ‘Tom’ Pelletier, who had survived the Quebec Biker War and is now 69 years old. Marc Pelletier is also the only HA member in the province who has spoken publicly, and given a journalist an interview at the end of the 80’s. Then, there is his son, Mathieu Pelletier, the same person who had his residence shot up last March. Mathieu got his start in the biker world with the Red Devils MC, a support club to the Hells. In the summer of last year he was transitioned to the Hells Angels patch, joining the ranks with his father.

The second duo with family ties would be founding member of the Quebec chapter, Alain ‘Judas’ Harton, 68, and his nephew Daniel Harton, 46. Daniel Harton is known by police of being a member of the Red Devils MC.

The last family connection in the Quebec City biker world would be ex-leader of the QC chapter Daniel ‘Gros Dan’ Hudon being related to Ralph Hudon, 39, and Richard ‘Ti-Bob’ Hudon. Both of the latter sport Red Devils colors. The Hudon clan is suspected of controlling a vast territory of the drug trade in the South Shore of Quebec City and in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region of the province. Ralph Hudon’s father was a member of the Hells Angels before quitting the club in good standing in the 1990’s.

Hells Angels Quebec City member Marc ‘Marco’ Roberge also counted on his brother and his nephew to aid in certain ventures in the biker world. Roberge used to be a member of the Rock Machine MC before switching patches to HA. The RCMP believes he is knee deep in drug trafficking.

The Quebec City chapter impose their authority, ruling the drug trade in Quebec City and surrounding regions with an iron fist, having not only partial, but total control in the Capitale-Nationale, Chaudieres-Appalaches region, Bas-Saint-Laurent region, Cote-Nord and Beauce.
So what will 2024 bring to the City of Quebec, with tensions clearly rising and independent dealers and street gangs wanting to keep all the profits to themselves. It’s safe the say there is a major conflict between street gangs and the Hells Angels. There have also been reports of the Hells Angels getting a lot less of public support than they used to have, with support clubs not wanting to do their dirty work for them anymore. Will these events outline the future hierarchy of the criminal underworld? Will police eventually apprehend Dave ‘Pic Turmel? Only time will tell.