Wolf Pack Quebec City: The Art Of Pimping

Before there was the major drug trafficking group by the name of the Wolfpack Alliance. In Quebec City lurked another type of Wolf Pack. A street gang that aligned themselves with certain Crip ideologies and opted for the color blue. Their specialty; pimping.

Being victim to a police crackdown named ‘Operation Scorpion’ on the 17th of December in 2002, where many arrests were made. The group is believed to have been managed by the Hells Angels, serving as their facilitators in the crime that is prostitution; pimping. Allegedly, HA would send clients to girls the Wolf Pack would use for pimping through an escort agency.

The street gang was formed in the ghettos of Quebec City which at the time, did not have a large black population. Once Operation Scorpion ended, 11 arrests were made with a total of 144 charges relating to prostitution, threats and prostitution of minors, where this story takes a dark turn.

The Wolf Pack functioned strategically with each member playing a particular role in the organization. Although the Wolf Pack only had thirteen members, most of their clients came from strip clubs from different towns and cities across the province of Quebec. With girls that the Wolf Pack managed, being sent to cities such as Montreal, Sainte-Hyacinthe, Jonquiere, Nicole, Victoriaville or in Beauce.

Georges Radwanli

Most of their clients came through strip clubs, but, there is a Lebanese link to this story also. On 748 Rue Saint-Jean, Quebec City’s equivalent to Sainte-Catherine’s street on the island of Montreal, once stood a store named Boutique Apres-Demain (After Tomorrow Boutique). This boutique was owned by a man with the name of Georges Radwanli, a Lebanese man that would later be convicted in December of 2002, thanks to the efforts of Operation Scorpion. Radwanli was convicted of of having sexual relations of 9 minors, all aged between the ages of 14 to 17. Radwanli also encouraged other adults to have sex with certain prostitutes that were minor at the time. There was also a second Lebanese man by the of Georges Tannous who was convicted of similar things Radwanli was charged for.

Georges Radwanli, owner of the Boutique Apres-Demain.
Georges Tannous

Authorities believed there was also a Lebanese clan involved in pimping but Radwanli and Tannous were the only players not convicted of pimping once Operation Scorpion rolled through in 2002. Georges Radwanli would use his boutique as a rendez-vous point for clients and prostitutes supplied by the Wolf Pack, some of which were minors. Although Radwanli was a client of the Wolf Pack, he had also worked with them, primarily in many instances with Techelet ‘Weshtesh’ Pierre de Bellefeuille, a Wolf Pack member, would often times send the girls he would pimp out at Boutique Apres-Demain.

Techelet ‘Weshtesh’ Pierre de Bellefeuile, Wolf Pack

Although Pierre de Bellefeuille would send most of his girls at the Boutique Apres-Demain, the fact remained that most pimping interactions came through strip clubs in Quebec City and the surrounding regions.

Georges Tannous

Most women the Wolf Pack would recruit, who eventually became prostitutes and sex workers, were not all from broken families. Many of them came from families that belonged to the middle class but were not given the attention they wanted and sought to live a more dangerous lifestyle which would appease to them. On the other hand, some would come from broken families, were homeless or in the DPJ (Directeur de la Protection de la Jeunesse) system, Quebec’s Child Protective Services. Some were also addled by drugs. At the time, 10 out of 50 girls that passed through the DPJ, partook in prostitution. Wolf Pack member, Andre Pelissier, had 4 girls under his control, 3 of which had a file with the DPJ.

The Wolf Pack would recruit girls hanging around bars, schools or even parks pretending to be in love with them at first, but slowly manipulating them into the harsh lifestyle of prostitution. The gangsters would study them over the first few weeks, and would later take advantage of their weak points. Many of these girls were minors between the age of 14 to 17. They would encourage the girls to keep pushing their sexual limitations, mentioning that if they were able to sleep with people occasionally, they could sleep with many if they were to be paid. Their pimps would take 50%, all the way up to 100% every time they would perform a sexual act in exchange for money.

The Wolf Pack would also deal with drugs and firearms, but they would be remembered for pimping. Even though there was only 13 members in all, and the gang dissolved in 2002 after Operation Scorpion, many of them would resume their criminal careers after serving their time.

They had a leader and were structured. The head of the operation was a man by the name of Nerva Livonski, born on the 4th or March, 1974, being in his late 20’s as the gang was founded. By the time Operation Scorpion scrolled through on December 17th of 2002, he would be 28. He pleaded guilty to 18 of his 50 charges and was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Once released he would move to Laval, a town neighboring Montreal. In January of 2010, he was charged with possession of narcotics and under arrest warrant until 2012.

Nerva ‘Lion’ Lovinski, head of the Wolf Pack.

Although being the head of the Wolf Pack and being sentenced to 6 years was a pivotal moment in his life, an incident that would happen on Christmas Eve of 2018 would change the course of his life forever. On that night he decided to rob drug dealer and Devils Ghosts (Support MC for the Hells Angels) associate, Davis Arbour, aged 38. During the robbery, he fatally shot Arbour and managed to shoot and kill Marc Hilary Dasilma, who was at Arbour’s apartment at the time of the shooting.

Bullet found at the scene.
Apartment in the Saint Leonard borough of Montreal where the double homicide happened.

But Lovinski hadn’t acted alone on that night, he was accompanied by accomplice Fodil Abderhamane Lakehal, who was later sentenced to 7 years for his part in the double homicide. As for Lovinski, he decided to go on the lam. He successfully evaded the authorities for the better half of 4 years, cutting his signature dreads and shaving his head bald.

Fodil Abderhamane Lakehal
Fodil Abderhamane Lakehal

Although Lovinski did run, the case was only brought to court in 2021, with the police having a lack of evidence to convict them until then. He was scheduled to present himself to a police station to give them personal details due to his sex offender charge nearly two decades before. He never showed up. This is when authorities realized he was on the run. Lovinski was finally apprehended on the 8th of July, just recently in 2023. He is sitting in a detention center awaiting for his sentence. So far, there are no details on what led to his capture and arrest.

Another member of the Wolf Pack that decided to pursue his criminal career after his sentence was Techelet Pierre de Bellefeuille; the individual we spoke about earlier, turning out most of his tricks in Georges Radwanhli’s Boutique Apres-Demain. Techelet was also a rapper, belonging to the hip hop crew Blakk Berreta and later rapping on an album by Limoilou Starz (Limoilou being a borough in Quebec City). He was invited to rap on the 2002 album ‘Limoilou Style’. He would also spend some time in Bas-Ville in Quebec City trying to sell his music to record shops.

Techelet Pierre-de-Bellefeuille
Limoilou Starz-Limoilou Style
Georges Radwanli

He would go back to his old ways, later being convicted in 2009 for pimping and intimidation. When he would finally be released on that charge, he would be restricted to go to 53 cities and towns all throughout the province of Quebec. He was also arrested in 2016 for pimping out and extorting a 19 year old girl, which he was sentenced to 5 years.

Other members such as Jean Pierrin, had the same faith in mind and followed the same path, where in 2006, he was convicted to 9 months for armed assault and threats, and later on in his life when he was in possession of narcotics with the goal in mind to sell them.

Jean Pierrin, Wolf Pack
Jean Pierrin

Then there was the Karera brothers, Clemet and Jean-Claude Karera. Clement was the most unruly of the two. While in the Wolf Pack, he had managed to get Robert Gillet as a client. Robert Gillet was a prominent business man in the city as he had been President for the Carnaval De Quebec, a yearly winter festival held in Quebec City. Clement was eventually released in 2010 but had not managed to pipe down, when he assaulted someone with a beer bottle one evening at a bar and days later kidnapped two drug traffickers. Being convicted once again at Orsainville, Clement partook in a prison riot that happened in July of 2010. Clement would settle down eventually stating in certain podcasts he was invited to, that he rather focus on music nowadays.

Clement Karera, Wolf Pack
Robert Gillet, Client of the Wolf Pack

Jean-Claude wasn’t as wild as his brother. There are reports of him getting 15,000$ in prison from the government, as he was on welfare. He did not commit any major crimes after his incarceration from Operation Scorpion. He now lives in Edmonton, Alberta.

Jean-Claude Karera, Wolf Pack

Patrick Kayishema had been given a sentence of 3 years for his Wolf Pack days. Certain terms during his probation would prevent him from visiting strip clubs, most notably Lady Mary Anne in Quebec City. He would later get in trouble with the law in 2012 and 2016 for drug possession and exerting his control over an individual. The accusation in 2016 was finally thrown out.

Patrick Kayishema, Wolf Pack, member.

Jean-Max Dolcine had received an 18 month sentence for his part in the Wolf Pack. Dolcine has a fairly big criminal file peppered with a fair amount of domestic violence. He once partially amputated one of his girlfriend’s finger while they were having an argument. In an other argument he broke a tooth of hers. Dolcine also fell back on his old ways, being convicted in 2007 and being sentenced to 30 months. The crime? Pimping out a minor as well as a 20 year old woman.

Jean-Max Dolcine, Wolf Pack

Jocelyn-Philogene Mior was sentenced to 11 months. In 2012, 31 year old Mior had left his residence, never to be found again. David Moise was sentenced to a year in prison. The three remaining members were all deported back to their home countries, the following being; Jean Denizard Fandal, Jean-Bernard Estelle and Ndjeka-Kundju Kandula.

The public was well aware of Operation Scorpion and the Wolf Pack after the fact. It is estimated that 500-800 sex workers existed in Quebec City at the time. What made this operation even bigger was the fact that the Wolf Pack were targeting minors and the clients that were accused or sentenced afterwards to participating in sex with minors. As mentioned before, there was Robert Gillet, along with Yves Doyons, a figure associated with an other festival in Quebec City, the Festival D’ete (Summer Festival). There has also allegedly have been ministers and politicians that used the Wolf Packs service with backlash from political parties as well.

Some other clients include Salim Chouery, Manuel Mansour, Ioannis Balalas, Ahmed Cheraim, Jean Francois Guay, Rejean, Victor & Abdul Karmouche, Claude Mailloux and Charles Nouncy. In September of 2003 Operation Scorpion was dismantled.

Rejean Jobin, client of the Wolf Pack.
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