Social Media Snitchin’ – Week 1️⃣:

We initially started these quick little write-ups of self-incriminating incidents on our old blog, however we all know how that ended. It’s honestly just a reminder on why these gangsters don’t last too long on the streets and a big part of that over the last decade; has been social media. We’ve been covering high […]


Over the last few days, we were without our blog/website so we will now be including some of the stories/events that we’d covered on our social media platforms. Not all events will be covered as some will have it’s own post associated to it, however we will pretty much cover majority of August. It’s important […]

Character Profile: VP Gill – UN Hitter

    We didn’t want to progress onto any set profiles or character profiles before getting VP’s introduction out there. This is because he’s impacted several different people ranging from high profile BK gangsters, to his own friends and family whom’ve transitioned into the likes of murderers and big time drug dealers. The message is […]