The Truth Behind Chris Sky:

Christopher Saccoccia, widely referred to as Chris Sky, is a conspiracy theorist based out of Canada who ultimately came to prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the height and peak of the virus, Chris was followed by hundreds of thousands who actively engaged in his anti-mask, anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine movements and everything else the Ontario man […]


Today’s ????OTD is a very recent one that was published over the social media platform known as Tiktok. It features a young Sikh man who seems to be ashamed and embarrassed to be Sikh, or simply has no balls to man up to his family and let them know that he wants a different life. […]

Most Racist Mexican Ever: πŸ‡²πŸ‡½

We were hit with some crazy footage yesterday night, regarding a very racist Mexican-American who was targeting 4 innocent older Indian ladies. It seemed like your average racist ‘Karen’ at first, but it transitioned into events that most of us wouldn’t have expected. Racism hasn’t died down, if anything – it’s gotten worse in some […]