HA Vs. BFM: Saint-Malachie Hostage Kills BFM Perpetrator

Recent information has come out in the past couple of days concerning the man killed during the Saint-Malachie siege Monday morning. The murder victim was actually a member of the Blood Family Mafia, and not a Hells Angels sympathizer. We’ll also go through new information that has been released about Hells Angels member Mario ‘Banane’ Auger’s attempt to negotiate with Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel. A kidnapping of a 28 year old man has also taken place, in the region of Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean that could possibly be in relation to the Quebec City drug war.

Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel (right)

In a recent attempts to cripple the Hells Angels drug operation in the region of the nation’s capital and neighboring parts; members of the Blood Mafia Family had rounded up three Hells Angels sympathizers and drug dealers and took them hostage. Torturing them and making them have second thoughts about associating and buying their supply off the reigning biker gang.

Video of the torture.

The event took an unexpected turn when a hostage managed to free himself in the wee hours of the morning on Monday (19/02/2024). One of the perpetrators, Patrick Martin, had fallen asleep. Once the HA associate freed himself from his restraints, he had gotten a hold of a blunt object and stabbed Martin repeatedly. He then inflicted gunshots on Martin, making sure he was dead and gone. The same hostage then ran across to the neighboring house, asking for help to protect his family in Cap Sainte-Ignace, where he was met with a wary man who called the authorities.

Drone view of the house which the Saint-Malachie purge happened.
Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel (left)

We recently attained more information on Patrick Martin; a 29 year old man and Quebec City resident, who only had minor charges on his criminal record. He had a past history of living in the Montmagny region, neighboring Quebec City.

Patrick Martin

In the fall of 2013, Martin had failed to stop in an accident. He was convicted of driving under the influence in 2018 of which he served 20 days in a detention center with an additional 2 years on probation. He was then guilty of violating his probation in 2020, receiving a two month suspended stay. He was also obliged to make a donation.

Mario ‘Banane’ Auger’s name might ring bells, as it was uttered by one of the hostages while having having his ear cut off. Auger is a senior member of the Hells Angels Quebec City chapter. Recruited in the midst of the Quebec Biker War against the Rock Machine in 1998. It’s safe to say that this is not Auger’s first rodeo.

Mario ‘Banane’ Auger, Hells Angels Quebec City.

The reason for his prevalence in this turn of events stemmed from a negotiation attempt gone wrong. In recent months, Auger set out to meet with Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel, who was taking refuge in the country of Portugal, located in Europe. His goal was to negotiate with the gang leader in order to prevent a war. The Hells Angels were going to offer Turmel and his gang the Quebec City borough of Limoilou.

Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel

Auger took a flight to Europe in hopes to speak with Turmel. Little did he know he would not be welcomed to even have a meeting with the gang leader. Turmel did not want to negotiate, and instead insisted that Auger get on the first flight back to the province of Quebec.

Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel stars in Quebec City rapper Mizery’s video.
Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel (right)

So who is Mario ‘Banane’ Auger? On May 26th, in 1998, Auger earned his colors within the Hells Angels Quebec City chapter. He was involved in drug trafficking not only in the region of Quebec City, but also in the regions of Chaudieres-Appalaches, Bellechasse, Beauce and Abitibi-Temiscamingue. During the Quebec Biker War throughout the ’90’s and 2000’s, he achieved the position of Sargeant-At-Arms in the HA. He was responsible for preparing and executing attacks on the Rock Machine and their allies.

Mario ‘Banane’ Auger

Auger was implicated in the murder of three civilians, all mistaken for members of the Rock Machine. Once, in the murder of Jean-Marc Emond, who was killed in the Sainte-Foy industrial park on November 3rd, 1999. Twice, in the murder of Daniel Savard, who was killed in Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier on February 10th of 2000. And thrice, with the murder of Dany Beaudin, shot dead in Sainte-Frederic-de-Beauce on April 17th, 2000. All this information was gained through ex-Hells Angels Quebec City member turned informant, Dayle Fredette, who turned on the MC during Operation SharQc.

Hells Angels Quebec City Chapter

He was eventually convicted in 2002 for drug trafficking and gangsterism, earning him 70 months in prison. This conviction stemmed from Project 4H, which concluded that Auger had a part in an ecstasy distribution ring, the first synthetic drug trafficking ring that the Hells Angels would establish in the city of Quebec.

In 2019, he would be released after serving ten years for murder conspiracy during the biker war. He converted to Buddhism while incarcerated. Dayle Fredette recalls being by Auger’s side 24/7 during the biker war.

The Hells Angels suffered a huge loss in 2023, when Blood Family Mafia soldiers raided a drug cache that belonged to the HA. The robbers had stolen close to a million dollars worth of cocaine. Although, this action did not go unpunished, when just last week a drug runner for the BFM had been assaulted and robbed by men the Hells Angels had hired. They had gotten a hold of cocaine and marijuana, which was set to be sold by the Blood Family Mafia.

This evening the Saguenay Police Service (SPS) announced the disappearance of Michael Chouinard, aged 28 years old. The authorities stated they had reason to believe his life was in danger. With all the drama happening in Saint-Malachie, and Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean only being a couple hours away from Quebec City; investigators are coming to the conclusion that Chouinard might have been kidnapped.

Michael Chouinard

Chouinard’s mother had posted a picture of her son on Facebook, urging the public to share the post as a call to action.

Melany Chouinard’s Facebook post.

Michael Chouinard is known to have worked for Saguenay resident All Boivin. Boivin is being hunted by police in a vast anti-drug operation. Boivin is also an independent dealer and player in the drug war against the Hells Angels. This resembles the event that took place this week in Saint-Malachie.

Martin Chouinard

In 2017, Chouinard pleaded guilty when he was charged for assault. In 2018 he pleaded guilty twice for failure to comply with his probation order. Very little information is disclosed as this investigation has just begun, we will continue to keep you informed.

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