LoloLanski, Jaycoz & Shmoney = Murderers

News broke out today in the lower-mainland in regards to 3 RS/BIBO associates that have been charged in connection to a homicide two years ago. Ekene Anigbo and Jalen Falk have officially been charged with murdering Naramata resident Kathy Richardson, an Okanagan woman. Shahram Tokhy (just got shot recently with Sujjad) was also charged with […]

Arman Dhillon – 3 Suspects Arrested:

IMPORTANT READ: We have been hit with breaking news today. Law enforcement in the GTA are known for how fast they get to unsolved homicides, and this was no different. The 3 individuals associated to AD’s death in Oakville are some pretty wild names that we are all aware of. 30 year-old Joseph Richard Whitlock […]

Vancouver Incidents 📰:

Follow our Twitter @6ixademiks. A lot of our viewers wanted us to publish a piece on a few interactions that we had covered on our Instagram/Twitter platforms. Therefore, we will be uploading both situations that revolved the knife yet again, as well as the recent controversy surrounding the trans rights rally. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Not much to […]

BC Gangs Transitioning Into Toronto 🎵:

Our only instagram account is @thedirtynewstv. We are mainly active on Twitter now only @6ixademiks. SMAN Homicide Case SMAN Back In Blood Story Kang Brothers Story Drilldoc’s Story Lololanskis Story BK SET PROFILE ATWAL Brothers Story Oakville Double Shooting Story DG Story Skidz Story Duvy taking shots at deceased BFR/BK associate in SMAN. The brother […]

Top 5 VOTD 🎥: 04/04/23 –

FROM NOW ON – EVERY FIGHT, GOREY CLIP, AND ANY OTHER VIDEO THAT SIMPLY ISN’T SMART TO RISK ON A PLATFORM LIKE INSTAGRAM; WILL BE UPLOADED ON OUR WEBSITE, ONCE A DAY. With the recent suspension of our main IG handle (6ixak_tv), we have decided to upload all of the ‘free-crack’ content on our website; […]

Alex Bodger 🤡 Thread:

*If you are looking for the write-ups or videos to the other knife attacks that we had covered in the last few days, such as the metro station incident, or the terrorist act on the Surrey bus; those will not be found on this thread. Check our website in the next few hours for specific […]

Abbotsford School False Alarm 💥:

The entire province was on high alerts after receiving intel that an Abbotsford high-school had gone into lockdown. Luckily, our law enforcement officers in Canada seem highly capable in controlling a school massacre as opposed to agencies in the United States. Take a look at how engaged and active our officers were: ⬇️⬇️ ⬇️⬇️ ⬇️⬇️ […]

Sujjad Ali Jalal & Shmoney Shot 💥:

Previous reads to help better your understanding on the situation: Kim Bolan recently harassed us and threatened to take our platform down(6ixak_tv currently suspended) because we called her out after failing to hear our name credited. Our platform once again revealed the identities of not only the deceased individual in Sujjad Ali Jalal, but the […]