Been getting way too many messages as to why we haven’t posted any character profiles on any Brothers Keepers’ members.
Literally though… take a look.

Don’t think this influenced us to get this out ASAP, we had this one in the vault for quite a bit now. It’s also the best CP to get into before we string out and dive into the profiles of these other BK members.
Before we analyze the Atwals, an important thing to note is that the Brothers Keepers gang actually stems from different sets of brothers. Some of those high-profile families involve: the Grewal brothers, Dhailwals, Atwals, Gills and even the Kangs (at one point ????).

The original picture that we had broken to the internet. The revised one is the image that excludes the 2 Kang brothers.

Jag explaining the tattoo situation.

Grewal brothers. (1 alive – far left)

Dhaliwal brothers. (1 alive – far left)
These are just some examples of the high-profile gangsters that make up the Brothers Keepers gang. Most of this will be further explained on our set profile, coming in the next few days.
Without further a due – THE ATWAL BROTHERS ????????

Younger Atwal, pictured in this throwback photo.

Middle brother, Jujhar Atwal

Younger broskis
Out of all the Atwal brothers (3 ????), Jagraj is by far the most involved in the current gang scene. He’s been present during the bloodiest years of the ‘Townline Hill Conflict’, and he’s still active but has allegedly taken more of a business/leadership role. Only 27 years of age, Jagraj found himself on a ????poster at the early stages of 2021; that featured 13 of the provinces most dangerous individuals.
One day it was there, the next it wasn’t.

It was published on nearly every media outlet in the west, however it was deleted about 48 hours after.
This time, they released a revised one – without the Brothers Keepers member ????

Some claim that Jag actually contacted his lawyer almost immediately and had gotten him to contact law enforcement. Others, some even very close to the BK gangster; say that he went into the station himself????. We had actually gotten a word in with him about the situation and he relayed to us that his girlfriends parent’s had no clue on what sort of lifestyle he was involved in; and therefore he had to take the necessary steps to get that viral poster down. They still seem to have not found out ???? good job Jag.
Let’s continue and look into the upbringing of the youngest brother, with affiliations from the very get go – it was hard for this kid to not have engaged in the only lifestyle he knew or saw around him.

Now because Jagraj is the only Atwal that still has a presence in the gang life, majority of this profile will be revolved around him. However, it is important that we look at some of the influences that led him to where he is today.
From a very young age, Jagraj was exposed to the criminal underworld. His eldest brother that most aren’t even aware he had, in Gurpreet Singh Atwal; was the prime reason as to why the Atwal brothers have the name they do. Most are only familiar with Jujhar Singh Atwal (middle brother), whom was also pictured in that famous Brothers Keepers picture, posted above. We’ll get more into him later and how he influenced the likes of Jagraj’s demonic behaviour. It usually always ties into family lines, Gurpreet was very close with Brian aka Shrek Dhaliwal and because of this, it was easier for the younger two in ranking higher in the hierarchy. The Brothers Keepers have numerous members now, but theres only a select few who run things (CP out soon ????).
We haven’t really heard much from Jagraj in concern to his oldest brother as much as we’ve heard on Jujhar. We personally believe it has something to do with the fact that Jag never really had a chance to get to know Gurpreet. This is because he’s practically been in jail for Jagraj’s entire life, as Gurpreet was convicted and sentenced to a total of 21 years ????????. He had basically been hired to murder the wife of known drug trafficker Iqbal Gill, so he could be paid $50k in the $3 million dollar life insurance that was allegedly claimed by the husband. Some ???? you see in a movie, and this was in 2009 – 4 years before the men actually got arrested. Click here or here, for full details regarding his wild conviction.
Kuldeep Gill, the mother of 2 was ultimately run down by a pick-up truck that was driven by Atwal and was apparently hit so hard that her body went flying about 30 yards forward. It was a well devised plan, as the husband had informed Gurpreet that he was to take her on a walk at the blueberry farm he owned in Abbotsford. Another thing to note, is that the relationship between Iqbal and Gurpreet had started at the local temple (Gurduwara) – which had the community go into a frenzy.
Unfortunately, because Gurpreet was older and didn’t really have a chance to familiarize himself to the likes of social media – we couldn’t find a photo. However, he is clean-shaved and it’s also alleged that the family basically shunned him ever since he was put in jail. They wanted nothing to do with him, and tried to reflect that in the two younger boys by having them more committed to a religious lifestyle. We all know how that played out, and Gurpreet is still serving his sentence (not expected to be home any time soon).

Take a look at some legendary footage as to when Jagraj was seen celebrating after receiving his tattoos, specifically the one across the chest.
Jagraj and his brother were built off the very foundation the oldest brother had placed for them. He had relationships set up with very high profile gangsters and because of that, the two were respected and treated differently than others. You can kind of see it in how he portrays himself; as the BK gangster is often pictured with popular rap stars, constantly wearing expensive jewellery and clothing, enjoying luxurious vacations and even mixing himself in the politics every now and then.
Jagraj pictured with the driftwood rapper who was shot to death in Houdini. We will be diving into his profile when we begin our coverage into the toronto scene (exclusive to VIP).
He wasn’t always as controlled and passive as we see him today. Jagraj was involved in several altercations both physical and social in that he was with his guys when they were out on the front lines. You can read plenty of pieces in regards to his involvement with gangsters such as Meninder Dhaliwal and Sam Gill in viciously assaulting a rival enemy in Gagandeep Singh Sandhu. Click here to read the piece Kim wrote on it. As the years progressed though, especially after GG was killed – we started to see him behind the scenes and take more of the role that he had always wanted.
He was also involved in being charged in a past case with Jas Kalkat. You can look it up, but the two were also very close. Jas was shot and killed and that retaliation story is also in the works.

The Kalkat brothers funeral that was also attended by Jagraj.
I don’t think Jagraj himself would’ve pictured his war being with guys that were years younger than him and his peers. After all, who in the right mind would’ve seen these 2 guys as the biggest threat that Atwal was facing during the peak years of the conflict.

You’ve all seen the exchanges that they’ve had over social media and if you haven’t you can click here for the profile we did on Amrit Saran. And here for the profile on VP gill.

After all, it was this group of kids consisted of the likes of Parm, VP, Kaunka, Lito, Lally, Nav, etc that pushed the younger and vengeful Jagraj in allegedly busting out shots at his enemies house. The result of that wasn’t too great as an innocent 74 year old man was killed by the stray bullets. Click here for full details, no one was charged but the streets have basically confirmed the shooting. The target was allegedly Parm Chahil, pictured below.
The reasoning as to why Jagraj busted these shots? It was also alleged that Jujhar Atwal’s attempted murder was conducted by none other than that same group of guys.

Parm on right.
It’s a tragic story as Jujhar’s life was almost taken from him. He was shot several times and was paralyzed from the waist down but is apparently making great recovery. We hope for a steady improvement as he has shown that he is no longer apart of the lifestyle he was once encouraged to join. This is a guy who could’ve went on to become a pro fighter, but he was limited due to the involvement he had in the BK set. They always say it’s too late when you realize, Jujhar himself stated this and now actually actively encourages our platform.

Amandeep Kang and Jujhar Atwal.
Gavinder Grewal’s death was also very impactful to Jagraj and motivated some of his violent decisions. He even has a 5 figure pendent in remembrance for his OG.

GG was always very close to the Atwals. He was always encouraging and supporting the MMA career in Jujhar and always positively influenced Jagraj. He didn’t want these guys following his footsteps, but it wasn’t that easy for them not to partake. Take a look at just some of the footage that shows GG being out and on display to support a pro fight that Jujhar was competing in.
I’ll release the full fight on our videos page, later tonight.
Lots of gangsters on display here. Try to name all of them. I’ll reveal the names in our sequel.
Jag has been a lot more calm as of late, especially ever since he saw his name featured on that ‘temporary’ poster. He’s realized that he’s in the spotlight and needs to revamp and change up his lifestyle before it also becomes too late. It’s rumoured that he’s taken on the musical approach for the BK side in terms of the Chase The Bag label that features incarcerated rapper Certi2x (lilman) and the Couvlife kids. However, this is also false because he himself stated that he had no part in the label.

We’ll let you guys in on who runs that label once we get onto his profile ????.
For now, we believe Jag is doing his own thing and may even have started a business. I mean the money still looks like it’s coming in as he just bought a new rolex and chain. This is a guy who’s not shy to show off his lifestyle. We hope you enjoyed the introduction to the Atwal brothers, more to come.

Has links to the wassgang set out of Toronto. A lot of those rappers come out to BC to engage in the drug trafficking in order to make quick money. More will be explained once Toronto coverage begins.

Fun fact: Channinattan also has links to the BK set. More will be explained as well ????