Character Profile: YYC Kingpin👑

Tattoo gets caught lacking while walking with a group of girls. Skidz/Slice ???????? got him that day.

38-year-old Gary Tattoo, legally known as Gursharanjit Parmar is quite the story. Living that old, while being involved in that sort of lifestyle is just extraordinary; hence the reason why they call him the “Godfather”. What makes it that much more remarkable is that the guy came to Canada as a foreigner aka a ‘dipper’ and still carries that strong Indian accent to this day. People were making fun of the way he talked, while he was making fun of their pockets. I still don’t know exactly how he got so big in terms of his net worth and significance in the west coast drug trade, but it’s evident that it was very large. In todays society we see more and more focus on gangs and criminal organizations centred around these international students hailing from Punjab, such as the Ruffian set. But it was very rare to see someone like Gary go out and do it the way he did years ago starting from YYC.

He received the name ‘godfather’ after notably beating multiple convictions ranging from 1st-degree murder to massive drug importation charges. It also helped considering the fact that he was supplying many different drug lines and if somebody refused to pay up or go against his word – it would almost always end up fatal. This wasn’t the case with Kulli, whom is pictured below in the gallery and to this day is still hiding from the OG. Tattoo has admittedly spent well over 7 figures on lawyers and it clearly paid off. And believe me when I say; he was involved in a lot more drug trafficking cases. His co-accused Joshua Okabe (his right-hand man for several years) didn’t get as lucky as Gary. It’s not because he didn’t beat the same charges Tattoo did, because his lawyers beat that ???? as well – it’s because he didn’t stay out of Canada like GT has been doing for several years now. Click here to read the article in which Okabe is finally sentenced. Prosecutors finally got 1/2 ????????‍⚖️

Even though Gary has been away from Canadian borders for so long now, he still managed to make headlines. The man turned his dirty money into legitimate legal income by opening up a franchise of restaurants out in the UAE and therefore he’s frequently on vacations living life in 6-star resorts. It was on one of these resorts in the Maldives, in which his new ‘boo thang’ was all of a sudden not found at all and deemed missing. GT went strictly to the media and offered 100 bands for any information on his new and improved baby mama’s location – however, she still has not been found to this day.

Now – what most people are saying is that it was none other than Tattoo himself who was behind the disappearance of Giedre. The rumor engages in believing that he did not want to bring another kid into this world, especially because it was going to be interracial. On top of that, he already had kids with his ex-wife in YYC, and even though they’re not together romantically – he still provides for them.

In fact, it’s rumoured he actually arranged for his ex to open up her own Indian suit-shop and manages all payments in regards to property, vehicles, drip, etc.

Gary opening up a restaurant in the UAE with the Royal Family in attendance.

It’s unsure whether or not we’ll ever discover what really happened to that girl in the Maldives, but it’s safe to say we probably won’t because money talks and tattoo has a shit ton.

The missing baby mother of Gursharanjit Parmar. Still hasn’t been found, and was last seen in the Maldives.

The guy is a genius and will never ever step foot in Canada, let alone North America because he knows law enforcement agencies will do whatever they can to get this guy behind bars. Most criminals with big extensive backgrounds in a respected province such as Slice with BC always tend to come to visit regardless of the risk. GT is different though, he’s living well in Dubai and will never risk his freedom.

In regards to the video footage in which Skidz & Slice ???????? catch Tattoo lacking in Dubai, the streets have alleged that it was because of some unpaid debts or Gary refusing to work with them. We all know that WP ???? were quick to claim the Slice hit out in Thailand but what we don’t know is who actually put the paper behind that 6 figure + bounty?

Find out in the sequel concerning the YYC kingpin whom is now permanently residing in Dubai..

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2 years ago

which one is Kulli?

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