A few videos and clips have not been shared on this version of the story.
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A lot of people get it wrong when they say we’re one sided. The BIBO entertainment camp was a large portion of these people and was always questioning our support for the BK set in particular, otherwise known as the CTB (chase the bag) label. The truth is; we’ve always enjoyed keeping a neutral standpoint, however our specified focus at that time was leaching onto what was hot; and that was Certi2x and his viral visual in ‘Shirt’. The bottom line is that we just never really liked Lolo and he never enjoyed our presence either. It started very early, instead of encouraging our work and supporting the movement; Lundski tried to bring us down at any chance. Lololanski (real rap name) but Lundski for a reason… take a look: (PG VERSION)

Lundskis baby mother, Des took this viral photograph. The BIBO entertainment rap star was never called Lolo Lanski after this. (vip version obviously shows his real lund)
One of VPD’s top 6 in posing a threat and risk to public safety is none other than Ekene Anigbo, the 22 year old who has been locked up for several months now.
Alongside the Red Scorpion rapper on the poster were:

Damion Ryan (locked), Lolo (locked), Meninder Dhaliwal (deceased), Deo brothers still active as well as Shrek.
Lots has changed since the poster featured these dangerous gangbangers, and that’s because law enforcement has ultimately stepped it up. When this list first went public, a lot of people were surprised that Lundski was among these high profile demons considering the fact that he really doesn’t have much of a resume. Sure, his music catalogue is pretty impressive but when it comes to street credentials; Mr. Anigbo has barely scratched the surface in comparison to some of these other guys.
So who is Lundski and why/how has he become of such importance to the police? Because of his extensive criminal history that involves petty crimes and overall aggressive nature he tends to carry. This is a guy who’s seen multiple court rooms, for both music-related proceedings and his personal criminal reasons. One of the more notable court cases he was involved in was with BIBO entertainment founder: Gary Kang (CP out soon), in which they were fighting for the release of the ‘Dedman’ single.
His hardest song ever.. absolute disrespectful song directed towards Brothers Keeper ex leader Gavinder Grewal. He was shot to death in his penthouse and was later found by his brother. The call that was made to the operator is somehow on this single…

REST IN PARADISE GG. He ran range apparently. Never PC. However, it is proven that some BK members are in protective custody. (talked about in bk set profile – out soon)
His whole life practically changed when he was introduced to Gary Kang in the prison cell. When GK was doing his time a few years back, he met a few individuals that would go onto becoming rap stars for the label he created. We have a lot of respect for GK and therefore we will dedicate a well-written CP on him, the guy pretty much single-handedly put BC on the map; in terms of underground music.

Lundski when he was just a teenager. He was overweight his entire life and was victim to bullying and we believe that this once again played a heavy role in his overall character development, as it has with many other gangsters.
After he did his time and got out, GK gave this guy opportunities he will never forget. We still don’t understand why he keeps going back inside and truly believe that he is self-destructing the rap career that his OG envisioned. After the death of Gary, it was confirmed that the finances of the Red Scorpion based label was running dry. And when the BIBO camp were mourning the loss of a true leader, the Brothers Keepers emerged out of nowhere with the CTB label and a crazy release in ‘Shirt’.

Lundskis camp that consisted of guys like Jay Coz, Shmoney and Arab$ were too busy trying to seek ‘getback’ and look dangerous on the gram’ rather than focus on the original plan set out by the fallen Kang. Instead of making music and getting his guys to assist in dropping a visual, we saw Lolo more actively engaged in ‘netbanging’.
Lolo and fellow comrade in JayCoz are seen in this legendary IG live clip that is also posted under our IG live thread.
It’s the person he’s become that’s frustrated us. We used to enjoy listening to this guy but from the stories and facts that we’ve been presented in regards to his abuse to women, child negligence and overall stupidity – we can no longer support him. Thats not to say we don’t rock with the rest of the camp, as we will continue to display our support for any new and fire upcoming music in the west coast. Until he becomes a better father and man, pushing his music just doesn’t feel like the right thing to do. We’ll never forget the time when we first started and dropped a story on Lolo; and we were approached by the demon himself, via Snapchat. We blocked our camera when he wanted to video call and all I saw was nothing but firearms and brown men.
This was the first time I realized that this guy wasn’t the same old native indian who grew up in the East Hastings neighbourhood, but a revamped version that was all about a gang war he initially had no part in.

When he used to steal ounces of weed, rather than carrying illegal firearms that puts him behind bars.

He was always a troubled child, no doubt. Started off with petty crimes until he got his ‘free’ promotion from the youngest Kang brother (deceased).
His look just progressed over the years. Keep in mind, his biggest change wasn’t until he did the bid with what came to be his BIBO brothers:

and this was the final evolution of the Lundski. When he essentially evolved into his ‘Charizard’ mode. He was bred in that jail cell to hate a group of guys he never even knew.
He really didn’t make too much noise on the streets. In fact, he’s been victimized more times than he’s done damage. The legendary knockout video that admitted him to a hospital, followed by a vicious stabbing, a leg shot, and a bunch of missed bullets aimed for his head. His baby mother was the first to actually let us in on the fact that he suffers from major PTSD problems. Apparently he’s actually treated for the condition and we wouldn’t be surprised considering how many of his friends he’s lost or how many times he’s dodged death.
It was the gremlins in Shmoney (character profile OUT NOW) for example who would do all of his dirty little work. They treated this guy like a god and a part of that reason has to do with the way GK treated Lolo as well. He’s always been the best kept secret for the label but it doesn’t seem like its playing out as they expected. We have no time table on his return and we’re almost positive that when he does return to the streets, he’ll end up doing something even dumber to get him back in.
Absolute monster to society. Urinating in broad daylight, in the hood that raised rappers like Big SoS and Suuf Hefner.
We got a crazy story regarding KMontana aka Adam Jalal who was Lolo’s best friend for a very long time. The two grew up in the east side together and actually started rapping in a studio for the very first time – together. The case still remains unsolved but we have a pretty clear picture as to who was involved and we believe Lundski had played a big role.
More to come regarding the story. And for those that don’t know who Jalal is:
Before we conclude this mini-introductory piece we have on the BIBO ⭐️, lets take a look into his love life. Since he’s been incarcerated, he’s actually somehow managed to get more girls than he ever has.
Lets take a look at his current state in a British Columbia prison:

Here he brings out his inner oompa loompa willy wonka edition.

Now who in the right mind would turn this sexy man away? His baby momma for one and ‘the girl with the ass tattoo’ (not a dragon) for two. BUT Vanessa Amelie couldn’t. She just lost one gang-banging boyfriend to another thotiana and therefore she was quick to jump the gun. We’re unsure as to how much time they’ve actually spent together, however it seems as if Lundski doesn’t actually know they’re dating? The official relationship was allegedly announced sometime after he was incarcerated and although we see her recording many videos of the rapper; I think anyone sitting in a cell would engage in pretty much any conversation from the outside world.

Vanessa is a story of her own, as the ex-gf to Wolfpack member ‘Simba’ went pretty much crazy after he left her for another female. The ???? member even got her name tattooed on his neck. We posted the video of her getting eaten out by Simba with footage of his neck tattoo included. This can be found on the VIP videos page.

Lundskis new boo thang. Instagram: HERE

atleast they have oompa loompas in common
We aren’t too sure on how much damage he can inflict behind a wall, but we want Vanessa to know that he has an extensive history in beating his ex. She’s actually created a montage of footage that we have stored throughout or devices, and once found we’ll ultimately post them on this post. But take a look at just one example of how he left these girls:

Last but not least, ‘the girl with the ass tattoo’. This was an impressive investigation we had conducted that initially started with a female named ‘Manrose’. A very popular name in the west coast that is known for sleeping with gangsters hailing from each and every set; ranging from the Ruffians to the Bikers. We were presented a photograph of her ass cheek and we were left pondering for weeks…

Rifle tattoo ????????♂️
We initially posted this on the current instagram handle we had at the time and was approached by our arch enemy in Lundski. He didn’t have much to say other than the fact that he knew much about that tattoo and asked us to watch the snapchat video he had sent.
It was a 7-8 minute video (ON VIP but 4 sec teaser on videos page) that consisted of a female giving him oral sex; that had the exact same ass tattoo.
Right away we thought it was obviously the one and only, however he had told us that there was 2 of them, with matching tattoos. It blew our mind and the rest was history.
That shorty Ashley and this girl were besties until a male gangster came in the way. They now have this tattoo on the ass cheek to remind them of a friendship that never lasted.