Alexandre Maltais: Targeted In Sainte-Marie-de-Beauce

The Quebec Drug War only seems to be heating up as 2025 kicks in. Last Wednesday, an attempt was made on the life of a Quebec City member of the HAMC.

The drug war in the province seems to be far from over. Last week we released an article making light of a murder which occurred in Saint-Charles-Borromee, a town located a few minutes away from Joliette, towards 8am last Wednesday. Nearly half an hour later in Sainte-Marie-de-Beauce, a fully-patched HAMC member was targeted by a flurry of bullets, getting away without a scratch. Authorities suspect these two incidents were unrelated and purely just a coincidence, although there is no way of stating that as a fact yet.

Scene of the crime.

The shooting occurred on Boulevard Vachon, towards 9am. A dark colored SUV rolled up near a McDonald’s located on the same boulevard and multiple shots were fired towards another occupied vehicle in the following moments. Police did not mention if the triggermen had exited the vehicle or shot from their seats. Two machine guns were found on the ground shortly after police taped the crime scene.

The suspect’s vehicle.

The individual in the targeted vehicle happened to be Alexandre Maltais, a member of the Quebec City chapter of the Quebec City HAMC. Needless to say the suspect vehicle then fled the scene. Maltais hadn’t even been injured given the multiple shots that were sent his way, trying to take him out.

Crime scene.

Sure, Alexandre Maltais is a Hells Angel, a true 1%er, making him a target in the province-wide drug war that is taking place in the province. With street gangs challenging the laws that outlaws had set as a standard such as paying a 10% tax on all drugs sold on the East of the province, but not all MC members are criminals.

Alexandre Maltais (right)

Why Maltais? The answer simply lies in the part he has played in the drug trade to the east of the province. For one, Maltais was one of the people that collected the infamous ‘10% tax’ from drug dealers operating in the HAMC’s region. Another reason he was targeted is due to him being in charge of drug trafficking in Sept-Isles and its surrounding areas. He has been a member of the MC since 2017.

Sept-Isles is a town that has seen a recent spike of violence and drug trafficking in the last year. In September of 2024, a joint task force had arrested 6 individuals with ties to the Blood Family Mafia after finding cocaine, money and a firearm. Only three suspects were charged at the end of the fiasco. Another event happened in October when six individuals were arrested for an arson which led to the death of 26-year-old Jimmy Maltais in the Moisie sector of Sept-Isles.

Authorities suspect the attempted shooting on Maltais was organized by the Blood Family Mafia, given their side of the strife. A day after the attempt, they released footage of an SUV, describing it as the suspected vehicle that took place in the shooting. It is unknown whether the HAMC will retaliate for this action, taken, it is the first direct attempt at taking a full-member’s life, not counting the arson attempts of several club houses tied to the organization.

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