A shooting which had taken place Saturday morning (07/09/2024) in a residential sector of Quebec City raises public concern, as this is the second shooting incident targeted towards individuals who have had a shady past this week. In the wee hours of Friday morning, Jean-Noel ‘Sarto’ Lacroix, a business mogul and CEO of Armoires PMM’s house was shot at the very same night that three of his company’s vehicles were torched. Just yesterday an ex-drug trafficker was shot in a quiet neighborhood.

The SPVQ (Quebec City Police Services) were called to a crime scene on Rue du Petit Vallon near 10:30am on Saturday morning. When they arrived at the scene, they had found a Dodge Ram 3500 with more than a few bullet holes on the driver’s side door and on the front windshield.

Kneeling just outside of the truck, was 47-year-old Patrick Laurendeau, a convicted ex-drug trafficker and acquaintance to the Hells Angels. Grabbing his shoulder in pain where he was shot. He had also been shot somewhere on his forearm. He was rushed to the hospital, where the shots he had taken did not have life-threatening consequences.

The suspect, or suspects, involved in the shooting had sped off in a vehicle after the shots were fired. A little later, a torched vehicle was found on Chemin de la Sagamite. Police are close to certain that the vehicle set on fire to only portray its charred remains was used in the shooting, though, it is too early to say for certain.

Laurendeau was convicted of drug trafficking in a police operation set out back in 2005. The operation was established to cripple a cocaine and ecstasy drug trafficking ring in Quebec City that was headed by the Hells Angels MC. This operation was titled ‘Operation Despote’ and was the same operation which had locked up Michel ‘Doune’ Guerin back in February of 2005 as well as 41 other individuals implicated in this ring. Let’s keep in mind that ‘Doune’ Guerin was a childhood friend of former HAMC hitman turned informant, Serge Quesnel.
Supplementary to Laurendeau having been convicted on a drug trafficking charge in 2005, Laurendeau’s excavation business had made news headlines after he had been caught up in a case of extorting clients who had hired him. Laurendeau was not alone in this case of extortion, but rather had the help of Dominic Flamand who owned a inground pool company under the name of ‘Piscines Elegance’ since the installation of a new inground swimming pool in one’s yard requires the excavation of terrain, hence, Flamand was Laurendeau’s partner in crime.

But how would Laurendeau and Flamand extort homeowners into giving up their hard earned money and have their clients even take out a second mortgage on their house? The duo would set an initial price for the installation of the inground pool and once the hole in their backyard had been excavated, they would threaten the homeowners, telling them that they would not finish the job and rather leave a giant hole on their property, urging them to pay tens of thousands of dollars in supplementary fees to finish the job.

On the 17th of February, 2023, a couple who were victim of the previously mentioned duo showed up in court to dispute a surcharge that had been billed to them after hiring Piscine Elegance and Excava-Plus to build their underground pool for them. A court date where the two businesses had failed to show up, stating they were not given a heads up by their lawyer to appear in front of the judge that very day. Even though they had not shown up, the gavel hit its target and the swimming pool businesses were ordered to pay 18,500$ to the Estrie couple who had brought this grievance to the court.

The couple mentioned in the latter paragraph weren’t the only victims of Piscine Elegance, but nearly a dozen other cases had followed suit demanding the duo to show up for a court date. Keeping in mind that these cases had occurred recently between the years of 2022 to 2024, we are aware that this may not have been the cause of Laurendeau’s attempted murder.
Laurendeau’s partner, Dominic Flamand, at the time was massively in debt, hence, surcharging his clients for their swimming pool installations. Records show that as of March 2024, he has a 670,000$, more than a half million dollars. The sum of the debt owed is an amalgamation of several different forces such as Revenue Quebec, which he owes 31,000$ to, Scotia Bank, which he owes 40,120$ to and the dozen other people looking to sue him for his malpractice. Such as the case with Patrick Lachance, a homeowner who had hired Flamand to install an in-ground pool in 2022, being charged 177,000$ extra throughout the installation. It’s easy to say that Flamand fails at financially supporting himself.

Half of this debt belongs to Laurendeau’s Excava-Plus business, totaling in 370,000$ of the debt owed. Excava-Plus seems to be a sub-contracted company of Piscines Elegance, since the process of building an inground pool needs heavy excavation of the terrain it is being built on.

Following these accusations and media reporting, Piscines Elegance had taken cover, closing down their website, Facebook and even shutting down their headquarters and changing shareholders in March of 2023. Flamand had started a new venture with ‘Fibre De Verre Pro’ while Laurendeau started his new excavation company titled ‘Les Construction Rosa’. Neither of these businesses are licensed under the RBQ (Regie du Batiment de Quebec).
Several mortgages taken out on Flamand’s home include one in December of 2018 for 102,598$ for unpaid taxes, one taken out in January of 2023 for 54,482$ for a fooled client of Piscines Elegance and two others in March of 2019, March of 2018 and June of 2023.

Dominic Flamand declared bankruptcy 3 previous times, starting in September of 1999, then in March of 2011 for 231,936$ and finally in April of 2019 for 619,904$.

It’s no doubt that Patrick Laurendeau has a criminal mind, swindling people for the better half of the 2000’s to this present day. With the Blood Family Mafia being at war with the Hells Angels MC, and Laurendeau’s notorious past with the organization it’s a wonder whether or not Laurendeau is implicated in the Quebec City criminal underworld. Is he still tangled up with the Hells Angels in selling dope throughout the region? Which would explain so much. Or was he just collateral damage with the recent shooting on ‘Sarto’ Lacroix’s house. Only time will tell.