Criminal Lawyers: Frank Shoofey

The Montreal Gazette office’s phone was ringing in the evening on October 15th of 1985. A man was at the other end of the line. Declaring a statement that would shock the journalists and secretaries in the office. On the other end of the line, was a man claiming to be a member of the […]
Murder-For-Hire: Serge Quesnel

The year was 1993, it was fall, where leaves were turning yellow and the ground was getting cold. But on October 20th, it wasn’t just the ground that turned cold and hardened, but also the heart of a Trois-Rivieres native by the name of Serge Quesnel. A gruesome murder would occur that day, perpetrated by […]
Murder-For-Hire: Gerald Gallant

On May 5th, 2006, in Geneva, Switzerland, law enforcement detained a 56-year-old individual on charges of credit card fraud, coincidentally on his birthday. This individual had deceived jewelry stores, amassing $250,000 through the purchase of high-end watches using counterfeit credit cards. His illicit activities had yielded a total of $400,000. To Swiss authorities, he was […]
Iran & BC Gangs: Naji Sharifi Zindashti

UPDATE: NEW FOOTAGE DEPICTING MAJHU & GARCIA’S DEATH IN GREAT DETAIL ORIGINAL STORY BEGINS ⬇️ AFTER THE NEW UPDATE WE INCLUDED. Discovering Mr. Zindashti’s involvement as the mastermind behind the recent controversy left us utterly stunned. This was a man with strong connections to Iran’s leadership, to the extent that he held the responsibility of […]
Mustafa ‘Prince’ Khan: PK CP ✍✍🏾

Prince Khan aka PK is still a name that’s talked about quite a lot in the lower-mainland. It isn’t because he was directly linked to SMAN’s homicide, or because he’s related by blood to Red Scorpion Moeen Khan (currently incarcerated); his name still rings bells because of controversies and leaked phone-calls. These DBOYS losing their […]
Amritpal Singh ‘Umba’ Saran Updates:

PSA: We had a news reporter write an email to us (earlier in the day) in regards to 2 photos that we had uploaded on [ ]. It seems as if she was frustrated, after we called her out on twitter for stealing information on our legendary story. Going forward – we will have […]
Brampton Gone Wild: Bobby Edition 🔞

Majority of our audience thought this was a joke at first, and that’s because our platform has never really exposed a criminal such as Bobby. Taking a quick look at him, we don’t really see that same criminal element that we tend to see in every other gangster. And that’s because Bobby isn’t your average […]
Character Profile: Dilraj ‘DJ’ Johal ✍🏾

Before we begin the profile, we are going to determine a FEW key names/figures that play a critical role to the overall storyline: These are just SOME names that will be appearing in the write-up, as we continue along. Some very important names like Bird and Kulli have been left out, but will be looked […]
Character Profile: Sandeep ‘Skidz’ Sidhu –

With everything that’s been going on in regards to the lower-mainland and it’s gang war that has seen a peak recently, Skidz CP is more crucial and valued than ever. We saw a very powerful figure in Vishal Walia get gunned down by the new generation of ‘gangster’ (in his case, 3 young killers), a […]
LoloLanski Sentenced To 4 Years 🔒

With the release of “The Rise & Fall Of BIBO” tonight for subscribers – we figured it would be best to explain the jail/prison situation regarding rapper LoloLanski in more detail. If you’re new to the blog and scene in general – make sure you’re caught up with one of our first CP’s in LoloLanski […]