
2 Businesses Shot At In Montreal Throughout The Last 24 Hours
As we saw with Ali Chabaan’s resto-lounge the Antika, shooting businesses seems to be a method of intimidation throughout the province of Quebec. It doesn’t

Montreal-North Shootout in February Sees 6th Suspect Arrested
For those that don’t know, Montreal-North is known as the ghetto of Montreal, where thugs and street gangs lurk. The main boulevard that runs through

RCMP Raid Clandestine Drug Laboratory In Montreal
Most drugs are made in a laboratory, the question is are they made in a regulated laboratory of just a get-up-and-go lab in a residential

Toronto Rapper JoEazy: Double Homicide on His Own Family (VIDEO)
When a rapper makes it on the news in correlation to a shooting, or a homicide, chances are you might immediately believe it is related

Jean-Pierre Huot: Machinist or Gunsmith?
Nowadays you hear more and more stories about individuals fabricating firearms with 3D printers and selling them on the street. These types of firearms are

Hamilton’s 2nd Homicide: Alexander Circiumaru
Hamilton is a city located Southwest of Toronto, about 45 minutes away from the huge metropolitan. It has a population of 569,353 inhabitants, which doesn’t

Blood Family Mafia Vs. Hells Angels: Conflict Most Likely Comes To An End
Ever since Dave ‘Pic’ Turmel had found a GPS tracker under his car in March of last year. Turmel saw red, and started an onslaught

Michael Chouinard Kidnapping: More News Comes To Light
More than a week after being released in the middle of the night, on the middle of the street in Rosemont, missing a finger and

Ziad Jebrini-Nahban: Shot At His Son’s Restaurant (VIDEO)
The 7th murder of the year occurred in Montreal on Monday night. The victim was a 71 year old Syrian man. It’s a cold reminder

Mohamad Chabaan: Brother Of Ali Chabaan Arrested, Cube Express Raided
With the recent vehicle theft summit held at the beginning of February, we’ve seen a few car theft rings be unveiled, leading to the seizure

Criminal Lawyers: Frank Shoofey
The Montreal Gazette office’s phone was ringing in the evening on October 15th of 1985. A man was at the other end of the line.

Gatineau, QC: 74 Guns Seized
The Canadian Border Services Agency at Pearson Airport in Toronto made a discovery that would lead them to a much bigger cache of firearms. They

Blood Family Mafia: New Torture Video And More Info On Saint-Malachie Siege
Over the past week, new information keeps being released in relation to the Blood Mafia Family conflict with the Hells Angels in the Quebec City

Erickson Angibeau: Montreal South Shore Area Pimp Convicted
Pimps portrayed in movies are usually draped in a fur coat, alway walk with a cane and a limp, and have a ‘cool’ attitude. This

Red Devils Members Jonathan Bergeron Gosselin & Ian Roy Plead Guilty To a Violent Assault
On the 21st of September last year. A violent assault took place at Bar L’Extase; wounding a man, in the town of Levis. Although, the

BFM Dealt a Crippling Blow by Authorities
Throughout the course of last week, following the incidents which took place in Saint-Malachie and the kidnapping of 28 year old Michael Chouinard, authorities decided

21 Vehicles Seized: An Operation Effected By The SPVM Scores Again
Grand theft auto seems to be at an all time high in the recent years. It seems to be the crime of choice, resulting in

Project Saxom: Ontario’s Largest Firearm Seizure
This morning (22/02/2024), the Ontario Provincial Police had announced that they had been working with Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) in the US. This was a

HA Vs. BFM: Saint-Malachie Hostage Kills BFM Perpetrator
Recent information has come out in the past couple of days concerning the man killed during the Saint-Malachie siege Monday morning. The murder victim was

Brandon Jean Celestin: Brother of Jean-Philippe Celestin Shot Dead
Towards midnight this past Saturday (17/02/2024) Brandon Jean Celestin headed towards his Mercedes in a parking lot situated close to the intersection of Montreal’s well-known

HA Vs. BFM Quebec City Drug War: Kidnap, Torture & Kill (VIDEO)
At 3:45am this morning (19/02/2024) in Saint-Malachie, a beaten, scarred and battered man knocked on a door of a resident in Saint-Malachie, a town in